玩家评分: 7.6

Clash of Cultures

桌游极客排名: 454

本月排名变化: 4

玩家评分: 7.6

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 180-240 分钟

难度: 3.6 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 14

专业评分: 7.00



出版年份: 2012


| Z-Man Games | Ediciones MasQueOca


| Christian Marcussen


| Chris Quilliams

来自商人和掠夺者创始人克里斯蒂安•马可森(Christian Marcussen)的文化冲突是一场文明的游戏,每个玩家都将文明从一个解决方案引向强大的帝国。玩家必须探索周围环境,建立大城市,研究进步,征服那些站在路上的人。该游戏具有模块化板,供玩家探索,48个不同的进步,7个强大的奇迹,以及微型和卡片的加载。获奖者将创造一个将被记住和欣赏的文化,为数千年。


游戏具有大约48个不同的进步。整个“技术树”非常灵活,没有死胡同,但仍然直观,明智和“现实”。此外,您可以很好地了解其他文化的进步 - 无需问 - 只需看看。



播放时间游戏涵盖类似于AH文明的时间范围 - 即预先-火药。这个史诗般的游戏可以在每个玩家大约一个小时内播放!这是一个相当不错的游戏时间,涵盖了这个游戏将会如此之多。“#10;


玩家通过游戏扩大他们的城市。但不仅仅是一般的大城市。玩家们选择代表城市发展的建筑类型。例如,您可以扩建一个拥有港口,堡垒,寺庙和学院的城市 - 所有这些都有不同的好处!另外,城市可能是“生气的” "中性"和“快乐”。一切都以直观和优雅的方式融入了


- 进步

- 目标& #10; - Wonders

- 事件

From Christian Marcussen, the creator of Merchants and Marauders, comes Clash of Cultures, a civilization game in which each player leads a civilization from a single settlement to a mighty empire. Players must explore their surroundings, build large cities, research advances and conquer those who stand in the way. The game features a modular board for players to explore, 48 distinct advances, seven mighty wonders, and loads of miniatures and cards. The winner will create a culture that will be remembered and admired for millennia. Advances The game features about 48 distinct advances. The whole "tech-tree" is very flexible with no dead ends, yet still intuitive, sensible and "realistic." Additionally you have a great overview of what advances other cultures have - no need to ask - just look. Modular Board Players start with a civilization in its infancy. Move settlers to uncharted regions and reveal the terrain and its resources. Several mechanisms have been implemented to assure that an unlucky placement of region-tiles won't be a decider. Playing Time The game covers a time span similar to AH Civilization - that is to pre-gunpowder. This epic game is playable in about an hour per player! This is a pretty good playing time for a game that covers so much ground as this game will. City management Players expand their cities through the game. But not just to the generic larger city. Players instead choose a building type which represents the growth of the city. For instance you can expand a city with a port, fort, temple and academy - all with different benefits! Additionally cities can be "angry," "neutral" and "happy." Everything integrated in an intuitive and elegant fashion. Multiple paths to victory Earn points through: - Founding cities and increasing their sizes - Advances - Objectives - Wonders - Events