玩家评分: 8


桌游极客排名: 402

本月排名变化: 1

玩家评分: 8

玩家人数: 2 - 3 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 210 分钟

难度: 3.58 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 14

专业评分: 7.05



出版年份: 2009


| Histogame


| Richard Sivél


| Hans Baltzer | Richard Shako | Richard Stubenvoll

玛丽亚是一个基于奥地利继承战的游戏,奥地利遭到普鲁士,法国,巴伐利亚和萨克森地区的袭击,只有英国,汉诺威和荷兰(通过形成所谓的务实军)帮助她。 10; MARIA主要是3人游戏。一名球员是奥地利,第二名是法国加巴伐利亚州,而第三名选手则同时参加普鲁士(奥地利敌人)和务实军(奥地利盟友)。这可以通过将地图分成两部分:佛兰德斯地图和波希米亚地图。玛丽亚来自屡获殊荣的弗里德里希,但具有自己的特点,包括政治,骑马,强迫游行,帝国选举,萨克森的背叛和普鲁士吞并西里西亚。微妙的动作,夺取堡垒,谨慎撤退和马基雅维利政治是获胜的关键。然而,玩家必须小心:谁在战斗中不利地使用他的战术卡片突然发现自己不在高速公路上荣耀,而是在毁灭的道路上。#10;玛丽亚带你到18世纪的时代无情的权力斗争它可以在2种变体中进行:简短,简化的入门游戏或更长,更丰富的高级游戏,同时在波希米亚和佛兰德州进行。

Maria is a game based on the War of the Austrian Succession, between 1740 and 1748, where Austria was attacked by Prussia, France, Bavaria and Saxony, while only Great Britain, Hanover and the Netherlands (by forming the so-called Pragmatic Army) helped her. Maria is primarily a 3 player game. One player is Austria, the second is France plus Bavaria, while the third player plays as Prussia (Austria's enemy) and the Pragmatic Army (Austria's ally) at the same time. This is made possible by the division of the map into two parts, the Flanders map and the Bohemia map. Maria is derived from the award-winning Friedrich, but has its very own character, including politics, hussars, force marches, imperial election, Saxony's betrayal and Prussia's annexation of Silesia. Subtle maneuvers, seizure of fortresses, prudent retreats, and Machiavellian politics are the keys to victory. However, players must be careful: whoever uses his Tactical Cards unwisely in battle can suddenly find himself not on the highway to glory but on the road to ruin. Maria takes you to the era of the 18th century's ruthless struggle for power. It can be played in 2 variants: the shorter, simplified introductory game or the longer but richer advanced game, with its simultaneous campaigns in Bohemia and Flanders.