玩家评分: 7.2

Battle for Germany

桌游极客排名: 3246

本月排名变化: 30

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 180 分钟

难度: 2.15 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.88


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 1975


| Decision Games (I) | Hobby Japan | Kokusai-Tsushin Co., Ltd. (国際通信社)


| Michael Bennighof | Jim Dunnigan


| Christine Lockwood | David McElhannon | Mark Simonitch


|战争 |二战


地图与大多数SPI Quadrigames或作品集游戏,并具有相似的图形。城市被评为1或2个胜利点,柏林价值为10.德国中部的一条线不能跨越(在双人游戏中),这使得柏林成为唯一可以被西方盟国捕获的城市苏联(非历史,但对游戏的概念至关重要)。单位是德国和西方盟军的军团,军队,军队或前苏联的队员。每个单位被评定为攻击,防御和运动。战斗由基于赔率的战斗结果表和死板决定。战斗结果包括撤退和消除的各种组合(没有失步,中断或任何这样的事情)。消除的单位可以被替换,但非常缓慢,(对于一些球员),最弱的单位首先回来。


Battle for Germany game is small, it only takes about three to four hours to play for players of normal skill and luck. The game starts in December of 1944 with the Ardennes Offensive (a variant allows the German player to skip this and save his strength). As a two-player game, it is interesting in that each player plays both an Allied army (Western Allies or Soviet Union) AND a German army (Western Front or Eastern Front). This forces each player to play offense and defense. The player playing the Western Allies and Eastern Germans has a very challenging task. The Western Germans have good defensive terrain (the Rhine river and Westwall defenses), while the Eastern Germans have weak units, a long front, very poor defensive terrain and they face a large Soviet and Yugoslav army. The only real advantage enjoyed by the East German player is the lack of victory points to be gained in the East, and the slow Soviet replacement rate. The Western Alllied units are very fast moving, but they don't usually get a chance to exploit this until the very end of the game (at best). The map is the same size as most SPI Quadrigames or folio games and has similar graphics. Cities are rated as 1 or 2 victory points, with Berlin worth 10. A line down the middle of Germany cannot be crossed (in the 2-player game), which makes Berlin the only city which can be captured by the Western Allies or the Soviets (ahistorical, but essential to the game's concept). Units are corps for the Germans and Western Allies and corps, armies, or fronts for the Soviet player. Each unit is rated for attack, defense and movement. Combat is decided by an odds-based combat results table and a die roll. Combat results include various combinations of retreat and elimination (there are no step losses, disruption or anything like this). Eliminated units can be replaced, but very slowly and (for some players) with the weakest available unit coming back first. The game includes variants for 3- and 4-player versions where the Germans are played by 1 or 2 players, and a "red star/ white star" scenario where the Western Allies and Soviets fight it out with some help from the remnants of the German army. Originally published in S&T 50 - May/Jun 1975