玩家评分: 8

红色冬天:苏联对芬兰托尔瓦耶维奇的攻击 - 1939年12月8日至12日
Red Winter: The Soviet Attack at Tolvajärvi, Finland – 8-12 December 1939

桌游极客排名: 2503

本月排名变化: 32

玩家评分: 8

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 20-720 分钟

难度: 2.96 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.02



出版年份: 2012


| GMT Games | Kokusai-Tsushin Co., Ltd. (国際通信社)


| Mark Mokszycki


| Lee Brimmicombe-Wood | Charles Kibler | Rodger B. MacGowan


|战争 |二战

红色冬天:苏联攻击Tolvajä芬兰,瑞士,维也纳,1939年12月8日至12日,这是1939年的冬天,苏联刚刚在芬兰宣战。轰炸机在芬兰首都赫尔辛基释放了大量的破坏。在接下来的大卫和歌利亚的斗争中,俄罗斯人跨越了边界,在胜利后重新夺回了芬兰人的胜利。未来对于芬兰独立来说似乎是严峻的。与中央部门相比,没有什么危险,俄罗斯的突破将威胁到曼纳海姆线的优势。芬兰上校帕沃·塔尔维拉(Paavo Talvela)新分配给该部门,调查了地形,并选择了一个立场:一个名叫Tolvaj&auml的湖泊; rvi。疲倦和沮丧的芬兰滑雪部队只有几个小时才能恢复一个秩序的外表,俄罗斯的这个滑稽军队再次砸入他们。在接下来的五天中,世界人心惶惶,因为芬兰人设法通过纯粹的英勇决心来阻止俄罗斯的进步。然后,神奇的是,芬兰人发起了一个成功的反击...红帽是一个两人历史的游戏,模拟在托尔瓦伊&auml的不寻常的战斗; rvi在一个很少命名的规模:公司大小的战斗单位和90分钟的比赛。玩家承担俄罗斯和芬兰指挥官的角色,控制芬兰滑雪步兵,俄罗斯重型机枪公司,迫击炮,坦克,反坦克炮和其他作战部队的行动。一场为领土和生存而进行的绝望战役即将在森林,沼泽和冰湖等荒凉多雪的景观中进行。“游戏利用了许多经验丰富的”经典“结合用于远程攻击,单位恢复,芬兰夜袭,零下天气条件下的损耗损失的新颖和完整的综合系统等。该设计最重要的是可玩性,低反密度,简洁的规则,以及流畅,简单的力学,结合起来,让每位玩家在五分钟内完成轮到他的豪华。这意味着在一个单一的下午,完整的40回合运动游戏是可玩的。大型5/8英寸计数器和超大六角形进一步增加了可玩性。而且图示的例子使得它很容易跳入动作。




Red Winter: The Soviet Attack at Tolvajärvi, Finland, December 8-12, 1939 It is the winter of 1939 and the Soviet Union has just declared war on Finland. Bombers unleash a downpour of destruction on the Finnish capital of Helsinki. In the David and Goliath struggle that follows, the Russians swarm across the border and push back the Finns in victory after victory. The future appears grim for Finnish independence. Nowhere is the danger greater than in the central sector, where a Russian breakthrough would threaten the strongpoints of the Mannerheim Line. Newly assigned to the sector, the Finnish Colonel Paavo Talvela surveys the terrain and chooses the place to make a stand: a lake called Tolvajärvi. The weary and demoralized Finnish ski troops have mere hours to recover a semblance of order before the Russian juggernaut smashes into them yet again. Over the next five days, the world watches in awe as the Finns manage to halt the Russian advance through sheer heroic determination. Then, miraculously, the Finns launch a successful counterattack... Red Winter is a two player historical game which simulates the unusual battle at Tolvajärvi at a rarely gamed scale: company sized combat units and 90 minute game turns. Players assume the roles of the Russian and Finnish commanders, controlling the actions of Finnish ski infantry, Russian heavy machine gun companies, mortars, tanks, anti-tank guns, and other combat units. A desperate battle for territory and survival is about to be waged across a bleak and snowy landscape of forests, swamps, and frozen lakes. The game utilizes many tried-and-true "classic" wargame mechanics in combination with novel and well-integrated systems for ranged attacks, unit recovery, Finnish night raids, attrition losses from sub-zero weather conditions, and more. The design focuses foremost on playability, with low counter density, concise rules, and sleek, simple mechanics that combine to allow each player the luxury of completing his turn in about five minutes. This means the full 40 turn campaign game is playable in a single afternoon. The large 5/8 inch counters and oversized hexes further increase playability. And the illustrated examples make it easy to jump right into the action. TIME SCALE: 90 Minute Game Turns MAP SCALE: 425 yards per hex UNIT SCALE: mostly companies; some sections and platoons PLAYERS: 1-2 COMPLEXITY: Moderate Playing Time: 20 minutes to 12 hours, depending on scenario