玩家评分: 7.5

Time's Up! Deluxe

桌游极客排名: -1

本月排名变化: 13

玩家评分: 7.5

玩家人数: 4 - 18 (最佳: 6人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 1.31 (毛线)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 6.18



出版年份: 2008


| R&R Games


| Peter Sarrett


| 暂缺


|电子 |幽默 |聚会

Time's Up Deluxe是游戏玩家最受欢迎的派对游戏之一十周年纪念版!这是一个全新的版本,拥有最好的基础卡和两个扩展卡(525卡),一大堆新卡,最重要的是一个非常方便的新电子计时器。

& #10; Time's Up!是两个或更多球员的团队的比赛(最好与两队)。每轮三轮使用同一组名称。在每轮中,一队的一名成员试图让队友在30秒内猜出尽可能多的名字。在第一回合中,几乎任何一种线索都是允许的。在第二回合中,每个线索中不能使用一个以上的单词(但允许无限制的声音和手势)。在第三轮中,根本就不允许任何一个词。


Time's Up Deluxe is the tenth anniversary edition of one of the most popular party games for gamers! This is a brand new edition, with the best of the cards from the base set and the two expansions (525 cards), a whole bunch of new cards, and best of all, a very handy new electronic timer. Time's Up! is a party game for teams of two or more players (best with teams of two). The same set of famous names is used for each of three rounds. In each round, one member of a team tries to get his teammates to guess as many names as possible in 30 seconds. In round one, almost any kind of clue is allowed. In round two, no more than one word can be used in each clue (but unlimited sounds and gestures are permitted). In round three, no words are allowed at all. Includes rules for an odd number of players as well as an optional fourth round.