玩家评分: 6.9

After the Flood

桌游极客排名: 2786

本月排名变化: 19

玩家评分: 6.9

玩家人数: 3 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 180 分钟

难度: 3.71 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 5.96



出版年份: 2008


| Treefrog Games | Warfrog Games


| Martin Wallace


| Peter Dennis


|古代 |文明建设 |战斗



&创造了三个机构的某些机制,“华莱士说。 “你得到一个帝国,然后删除它,所以你可以尝试最大化你的回合点,而不会让你自己在以后的转弯击中的位置。”这种设计回避了第三名玩家赢得比赛的玩家1和2的死亡战斗的问题,但这个bug成为游戏另一部分的一个功能。货物和军队力量的竞争是相对而不是线性的;拥有两倍的资源收集资源赢得了您的商品数量的两倍,所以与一个对手进入一个军备竞赛可能会伤害你们两个在一起,并优势的第三个玩家谁可以花更多的资源。 ;控制不同的城市给你不同的奖金,奖金是基于城市本身的历史:Sippar让你交易更多,巴比伦计数额外的军队等等。游戏中的战斗是以骰子为基础,以避免确定性的战斗,您可以通过堆积更多的部队来保证胜利,尽管大小有其优势。

游戏摘要& #10;像华莱士的其他游戏Liberté和拜占庭,球员不代表一个特定的派系/国家。相反,这场比赛涵盖了很长一段时间(在这个案例中为1500多年),玩家在上升和下降时暂时控制帝国。当帝国落下时,每轮(〜350年)结束时,得分VP。玩家开始有几个资源和2名工作人员在现有的库存,和工人在灌溉和编织箱。每一回合都遵循相同的步骤:1。根据灌溉/编织工人的相对级别收集资源(粮食和纺织品)。然后拿8名工人到现货(比赛开始时共10人)。将Scribes和Toolmakers中的所有工作人员移到左侧(和“未使用”)侧。


3。玩家动作。依次顺序(游戏开始时随机),采取1动作。如果任何人已经通过,您必须从可用库存中丢弃一个物品(资源,工人或军队)以采取行动。继续旋转,直到所有3遍。行动选择:建立城市。将您的城市标记之一置于苏美尔地区,没有其他城市。大多数给你一个特殊的权力。如果全部4出,可能会破坏老城建新的。花费x的资源在一个位置放置x个工作人员(Scribe框:最多2个工作人员/播放器)。另外,或者可以使用每个未使用的划痕来移动或放置一个工人。允许每个工人为其区域中可用的1个资源交换1个资源。每个地区只提供1个每个资源。但是,如果任何一个军队都在该地区,工人就不能做任何事情。每个军队虽然可以像一个工人一样进行一次贸易。另外,或者,您可以使用“工具箱”框中的工人将金属转换为“工具”(1 / worker)。

- 启动帝国。每轮3次,1 /球员。每个都有指定的开始区域(2苏门答腊帝国 - 可以在苏美尔任何地方开始)。在其本国地区(除了苏美尔帝国:不需要工作人员),你必须拥有与其他单一玩家相同或更多的工人。将指定的#号军队送入可用库存;可以购买更多(支付资源)。此外,可以装备(花费资源;相对于其他已经创建的帝国花费的等级)。然后上船:如果敌军在那里,打架。否则(或一次敌人死亡),在起始地区放置1或2个军队。

- 扩大帝国。[i]将军队[/ i]将(从现有的库存) 。如果敌军出现,打架。[i]摧毁城市[/ i]。如果在敌方城市有地区的军队,放弃2从供应中摧毁它 - 返回供应。#[i]加强地区[/ i]:将第二军入区域(最多2个地区)。在上述任何选择之后,可能会将1支军队从供应中放弃,再次展开。


4。确定转向。基于传递时丢弃的资源:大多数 - >至少第一 - >第三。如果绑定,保留相对转动顺序。

5。分数VP。 2VP /区域与你的军队令牌。然后顺序,决定是否改善你的城市:每个需要丢弃2木+ 0-4资源(3-18 VP)。如果改进,将标记放在城市 - 它不会再次得分。


结束游戏#10 - 结束后5。

- 最终得分:每个区域中大多数[i]工作者[/ i]的玩家得分VP大多数VP赢了。 Tiebreaker =转动订单。

Description courtesy of BoardgameNews.com After the Flood – a three-player game that’s set in Sumeria, with players using regional resources to trade for goods not produced in the area while also building short-lived empires for long-lasting victory points. “Certain mechanisms were created with three players in mind,” says Wallace. “You score an empire, then remove it, so you can try to maximize points on your turn without leaving yourself in a position to get hit on following turns.” This design sidesteps the problem of a third player winning a game due to fights to the death by players 1 and 2, but that bug becomes a feature in another part of the game. Competition among the players for goods and army strength is relative rather than linear; having twice as many dudes collecting resources won’t net you twice the number of goods, so getting into an arms race with one opponent might hurt the two of you together and advantage the third player who can spend resources on better things. Controlling different cities gives you different bonuses, with the bonus being based on the history of the city itself: Sippar lets you trade more, Babylon counts for additional armies, and so forth. Combat in the game is dice-based to avoid deterministic battles in which you can guarantee victory simply by piling up more troops, although size does have its advantages. Game Summary Like Wallace's other games Liberté and Byzantium, players don't represent a particular faction/nation. Instead, the game covers a long period of history (~1500 years in this case) and players temporarily control empires as they rise and fall. Score VP at the end of each turn (~350 years) when the empires fall. Players start with several resources and 2 workers in their available stock, and workers in the irrigation and weaving boxes. Each turn follows the same steps:1. Collect Resources (grain and textiles) based on relative rank of workers in the irrigation/weaving. Then take 8 workers to available stock (total 10 at start of game). Move all workers in Scribes and Toolmakers to the left (and "Unused") side. 2. Decline (turns 2 and 4 ONLY): each player removes all workers from Dilmun, and 1 from every non-Sumerian region. In the Irrigation and Weaving boxes, the player with the most workers reduces their number TO 2 (with n being the number of workers they returned to supply). The other players remove n workers. Finally, each removes 1 worker from the Scribes and Toolmakers boxes. 3. Player Actions. In turn order (random at start of game), take 1 action. If anyone has passed, you must discard one item (resource, worker, or army) from your available stock to take an action. Continue rotating in turn order till all 3 pass. Action Choices: - Build City. Place one of your city markers in Sumerian region with no other city there. Most give you a special power. If all 4 out, may destroy old city to build new one. - Place Workers. Spend a resource of value x; place up to x workers in ONE location (Scribe box: max 2 workers/player). In addition, or instead, may use each unused scribe to move or place a worker. - Trade. Each worker is allowed to trade 1 resource for 1 of the resource(s) available in their region. Each region only provides 1 of each resource present there. However, if ANY army is in the region, workers cannot do anything. Each army, though, can conduct 1 trade just like a worker. In addition, or instead, you can use worker(s) in the Toolmakers box to convert metal to Tools (1/worker). - Start Empire. 3 available each turn, 1/player. Each has designated start region (2 Sumerian empires -- may start anywhere in Sumer). You must have equal or greater number of workers than any other single player in their home region (except Sumerian empires: no workers needed). Take designated # armies into available stock; may buy more (pay resource(s)). Also, may equip (spend resources; rank by value relative to what other already created empires spent). Then come onto board: if enemy army there, fight. Otherwise (or once enemy killed), place 1 or 2 armies in starting region. - Expand Empire. ... [i]Place Army[/i] token (from available stock) to adjacent region. If enemy army present, fight. ... [i]Destroy City[/i]. If have army in region with enemy city, discard 2 from supply to destroy it -- return to supply. ... [i]Reinforce Region[/i]: place 2nd army into a region (max 2/region). ... After any choice above, may discard 1 army from supply to Expand again. Fighting Attacker rolls 2d6. If better equipped than defender, kills on 5+. Otherwise, need 7+. May continue attacking until decide to end battle, or win and place 1 army in new region (all considered 1 attack; i.e., don't need to discard an army to continue the fight). - Pass. May opt to discard resource(s) as well. 4. Determine Turn Order. Based on resources discarded when passing: most-->least first-->third. If tied, retain relative turn order. 5. Score VP. 2VP/region with your army token. Then in turn order, decide whether or not to improve your cities: each requires discarding 2 wood + 0-4 resources (earn 3-18 VP). If improved, place marker on city -- it won't score again. 6. Reset. Remove all armies from board. Remove all armies and workers from available stock. Advance turn marker. End of Game - After end of turn 5. - Final scoring: player with most [i]workers[/i] in each region scores VP shown on board. - Most VP wins. Tiebreaker = turn order.