玩家评分: 7.5

拿破仑战争 第二版
The Napoleonic Wars (Second Edition)

桌游极客排名: 2051

本月排名变化: 10

玩家评分: 7.5

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 240 分钟

难度: 3.39 (重度策略)


专业评分: 6.13



出版年份: 2008


| GMT Games


| Mark McLaughlin


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Mark Simonitch


|拿破仑时期 |战争


“拿破仑战争,1805 - 1815年,带来了一个快节奏,紧张的,卡片驱动的游戏,使用点对点移动系统推动信封在这个关键时期的新的方向。拥有简单易学的战略体系和简短的规则手册,“拿破仑战争”可以在晚上播放,因为卡和外交轨道在面对不断变化的敌人威胁的情况下进行艰难的决策。

&#10 ;设在1805年的欧洲,你必须权衡两个联盟在战场上的战斗困境。拿破仑的法国在西班牙享有一流的军队,中央阵地,上级领导和有用的,如果不是强大的盟友。但是,她面对三个敌人。拿破仑必须注意英国的海上和财富,奥地利的威胁地位和俄罗斯的强化部落。在翅膀上,普鲁士,土耳其和瑞典在战争的边缘,乞求诱惑加入任何一方。即使是低廉的丹麦舰队也可能打乱电力的平衡。“当舰队或军队发生冲突时,可能会发生与战斗有关的卡片,然后骰子滚动来解决战斗并造成伤亡。即使最辉煌的机动也面临着flo the的机会。所以现在玩“拿破仑战争”,把战略家放在你身上。你的选择仅限于你的视力,一个有弹性的敌人的卡片和命运的手。“





From GMT Games: "The Napoleonic Wars, 1805 - 1815, brings you a fast-paced, tension-filled, card-driven wargame using a point-to-point movement system that pushes the envelope in a new direction for this pivotal period of history. Having a simple-to-learn strategic system and short rulebook, The Napoleonic Wars, can be played in an evening as the cards and Diplomatic Track make for tough decision-making in the face of everchanging enemy threats. Set in 1805 Europe, you must weigh the strategic dilemmas facing the two alliances in mortal conflict. Napoleon's France enjoys a superb army, central position, superior leadership, and a useful, if not powerful, ally in Spain. However, she faces three foes. Napoleon must beware of Britain's seapower and wealth, Austria's threatening position, and Russia's reinforcing hordes. In the wings, Prussia, Turkey, and Sweden teeter on the brink of war, begging inducements to join either side. Even lowly Denmark's fleet can upset the balance of power. When fleets or armies collide, battle-related cards may be played and then dice are rolled to resolve the battle and inflict casualties. Even the most brilliant maneuver faces the chance of floundering. So play The Napoleonic Wars now, and put the strategist in you to the test. Your options are only limited by your vision, a meddlesome enemy's cards, and the hand of fate." Expanded by: Napoleonic Wars: Super Deluxe Map Re-implements: The Napoleonic Wars