玩家评分: 6.6

Hare & Tortoise

桌游极客排名: 1734

本月排名变化: 10

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 45 分钟

难度: 1.93 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 6.26



出版年份: 1973


| 999 Games | ABACUSSPIELE | Alga


| David Parlett


| Pedro A. Alberto | Ritva Hussain-Shahid | Franz Vohwinkel


|动物 |竞速

作为1979年Spiel des Jahres奖的第一名获得者,野兔和龟甲或德国Hase und Igel(野兔和刺猬)将永远被视为经典游戏。这是一个狡猾的设计比赛,完成你的燃料(胡萝卜)必须实际用完(除了10胡萝卜或更少),当你击中终点线。你也有三个莴苣卡,你必须在比赛过程中花费。你越走越远,你花费的胡萝卜越多,随着轨迹越来越多,越来越多的方式获得或减少胡萝卜。这是一个非常聪明的算术运算,大卫·帕利特(David Parlett)已经形成了一种娱乐和独特的常年喜爱。

Hare&乌龟由不同的发行商。大多数变化来自于在登上野兔广场时,通过卡片,骰子或骰子图表添加随机性的方法来支持滞后玩家。 Parlett战略变体 - 设计师喜欢玩野兔广场的方法是“...你可以登陆他们[野兔广场],但是必须错过轮到。这将是相当于野驴睡午觉,就像在艾索的寓言中一样。这是我最喜欢的规则,更喜欢它根本就没有登陆他们...“

As the first winner of the Spiel des Jahres award in 1979, Hare and Tortoise or the German Hase und Igel (for Hare and Hedgehog) will always be regarded as a classic game. It is a cunningly designed race to the finish in which your fuel (carrots) must practically run out (all but 10 carrots or fewer) at the moment you hit the finish line. You also have three lettuce cards you must spend during the course of the race. The farther you move, the more carrots you spend, and there are a variety of ways to gain or lose carrots as you go around the track. It's a very clever exercise in arithmetic which David Parlett has fashioned into an entertaining and unique perennial favorite. There have several variations between the multiple prints of Hare & Tortoise by different publishers. Most variations come from methods of adding randomness that favor lagging player via cards, dice, or dice charts when landing on a Hare square. Parlett Strategic Variant -- The designer's preferred way of playing the Hare square is that "... you can land on them [Hare square], but must miss a turn. This would be the equivalent of the hare taking a nap, as in Aesop's fable. This is the rule I most favour and would prefer it to simply not landing on them at all..." Tournament Jugging the Hare rule -- When you land on a hare square do nothing immediately. If nobody goes past you, draw 10 carrots when you next move. If they do, pay 10 carrots into the carrot patch for each player who goes past you, in either direction. (source: http://www.parlettgames.uk/haretort/htjughare.html#new)


41 x 63mm (1 5/8" x 2 1/2")