玩家评分: 7

A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game

桌游极客排名: 1241

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 7

玩家人数: 2 - 8 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 60-120 分钟

难度: 2.56 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.46



出版年份: 2008


| Flying Frog Productions


| Jason C. Hill


| Gaël Goumon | Jack Scott Hill | Jason C. Hill


|冒险 |战斗 |恐怖 |谋杀/疑案

“这是十九世纪的黎明;一个科学,迷信和巫术的时代。 How ling How fill。night as as sec sec sec。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。



将精神的精神和力量,以确定谁是朋友,谁是敌人和hellip;解决谜团,狩猎野兽到其巢穴。但是暗影布鲁克的秘密跑得很深。八卦和谣言猖獗,这几个英雄可能很快就会发现他们是外面的人,这个城镇已经很烂了,几乎没有什么可以保存的。 “一触即发,超自然游戏”是一个快节奏的恶魔生物,潇洒的英雄和高冒险的游戏。

每个玩家扮演一个独特的怪兽狩猎英雄的角色,与时间赛跑,以阻止黑暗势力在人的世界中再次站稳脚跟。只有通过调查城镇和建立你的英雄力量,你才能希望将Supernatural Villain追捕到他的巢穴,并在史诗般的摊牌中击败他。玩家可以竞争地竞争,成为第一个击败恶棍,拯救城镇的人,或者他们可以共同合作,打败一个更强大的恶棍。




‘ Something Wicked’游戏扩展



“盟军游戏补充”#10 Delion Dryad Villain&#10特别版Soundtrack


Krampus Villain


'Tis the dawn of the 19th century; an age of science, superstition, and witchcraft. Howling fills the night as a full moon rises over the small, secluded village of Shadowbrook. Gruesome murders have become a daily occurrence and terror haunts the streets at night. An evil creature has taken up residence here and the countryside is engulfed by a tide of darkness. But all is not lost…not yet. A small group of heroic individuals, with the courage and strength to fight, have arrived in town. Some just passing through while others have come with a purpose; but all will be put to the test as they race to save this cursed town from falling into darkness. It will take a cunning mind and strength of spirit to determine who is friend and who is foe… to solve the mysteries and hunt the beast to its lair. But the secrets of Shadowbrook run deep. Gossip and rumors run rampant and these few Heroes may soon discover that they are outsiders here and this town is already so rotten from within there is little left to save. "A Touch of Evil, The Supernatural Game" is a fast-paced game of fiendish creatures, dashing Heroes, and high-adventure. Each player takes on the role of a unique monster-hunting Hero, racing against time to stop the forces of darkness from claiming another foothold in the world of man. Only by investigating the town and building your Hero’s strength can you hope to hunt down the Supernatural Villain to his Lair and defeat him in an epic Showdown. Players can race Competitively to be the first to defeat the Villain and save the town, or they can work together Cooperatively to defeat a much stronger Villain. Featuring a gameboard map of Shadowbrook and its surrounding countryside, eight Heroes to choose from, and four different Supernatural Villains to hunt; each with its own host of unique Minions and powers to drastically change the game. A Touch of Evil is designed to create an adventurous cinematic feel as the story and game unfolds. So grab up your Wooden Stake, stuff some shot in that Musket, and hold onto your Tri-corn Hat; no one is safe from the creatures of the night and no one can be trusted…for inside everyone lies A Touch of Evil.