玩家评分: 7.9

Where There Is Discord: War in the South Atlantic

桌游极客排名: 2975

本月排名变化: 13

玩家评分: 7.9

玩家人数: 1 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 240 分钟

难度: 3.11 (重度策略)


专业评分: 5.93



出版年份: 2009


| Fifth Column Games


| Daniel Hodges (I)


| George Bieda | Ugo Crisponi | Mark Mahaffey


|现代战争 |航海 |政治 |战争


|骰子驱动 |模拟 |单人游戏

“哪里有不和...我们可以带来和谐”。 - 撒切尔夫人,引用了阿西西圣弗朗西斯祷告,1982年5月1日星期六下午16时28分,从皇家海军航空公司的海ile堡发射的AIM-9L回荡者导弹中队飞行中尉保罗·巴顿(Paul Barton)击中了富埃萨阿雷亚阿根廷的卡洛斯·佩罗纳中尉的幻影III,摧毁了它的冲击力。福克兰/马尔维纳斯战争已经开始认真。“在接下来的45天里,英国和阿根廷的武装部队陷入了一场致命的斗争,因为两人试图断言他们的管理权利,不幸的南大西洋岛不知道世界大部分地区和许多战斗在她身上的人。在这个纸牌军事模拟板游戏中,您有机会重新创造那些命运英国工作队的命运夏日,因为它试图捍卫阿根廷空军和海军的一致攻击,并在有争议的岛屿上建立成功的两栖着陆。您将不得不管理和部署皇家海军有限的海獭资产,协调舰队与各种船只和武器系统的防御,并计划着陆战略,使您能够在阿根廷部队能够应对之前巩固桥头堡。密切关注历史事件,您将面对包括可变规则,监视和情报收集,潜艇作战,阿根廷航空公司和地面舰队行动,Exocet导弹威胁,第三方运营支持和干预,舰队物流,供应拦截,和不合作的天气。同时你必须走走舆论线,处理“监督”从政治家回到伦敦,克服了从破坏供应链到订单到大陆的不可预见的事件。福克兰群岛仍然留在英国手中,马尔维纳斯还会返回阿根廷吗?他们的命运在你手中..

"Where there is discord... may we bring harmony." -- Margaret Thatcher, quoting a prayer ascribed to St. Francis of Assisi At 16.28 hours on the afternoon of Saturday, 1 May 1982, an AIM-9L Sidewinder missile fired from the Sea Harrier of Royal Naval Air Squadron Flight Lieutenant Paul Barton struck the Mirage III of Lieutenant Carlos Perona of Fuerza Aerea Argentina, destroying it on impact. The Falkland/Malvinas War had begun in earnest. Over the next 45 days, the armed forces of the United Kingdom and Argentina locked in a deadly struggle, as both attempted to assert their right to govern a small, inhospitable South Atlantic island unknown to most of the world and to many of those fighting over her. In this solitaire military simulation boardgame, you have the opportunity to recreate those fateful summer days, commanding the British Task Force as it attempts to defend itself from concerted attacks by Argentine air and naval forces, and mount a successful amphibious landing on the disputed islands. You will have to manage and deploy the Royal Navy’s limited Sea Harrier assets, coordinate the defence of the fleet with a wide range of vessels and weapons systems, and plan a landing strategy that enables you to consolidate a bridgehead before Argentine forces can respond. Modeled closely on historical events, you will confront issues including variable rules of engagement, surveillance and intelligence gathering, submarine warfare, Argentine carrier and surface fleet operations, the Exocet missile threat, third-party operational support and interference, fleet logistics, supply interdiction, and uncooperative weather. At the same time you will have to walk the tightrope of public opinion, deal with “oversight” from the politicians back in London, and overcome unforeseen events ranging from the sabotage of supply lines up to orders to take the fight to the mainland. Will the Falklands remain in British hands, or will the Malvinas return to Argentina? Their fate is in your hands..