玩家评分: 7

The Napoleonic Wars

桌游极客排名: 2991

本月排名变化: 30

玩家评分: 7

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 240 分钟

难度: 3.47 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.93



出版年份: 2002


| GMT Games


| Don Greenwood | Ben Knight | Mark McLaughlin


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Mark Simonitch


|拿破仑时期 |战争

从GMT游戏:“拿破仑战争”中,GMT游戏为您带来了一个快节奏,紧张的卡片驱动游戏,带有点对点运动系统,将信封推入新的方向为历史的关键时期。 “马克·赫尔曼”(Mark Herman)获奖的“我们人民”(We The People)系统扎根,“拿破仑战争”(Napoleonic Wars)提供了一些改进,让两到五名玩家玩了两到十个小时的激动人心的游戏。您的大部分游戏将在一个晚上轻松结束,由于突然死亡的胜利条件提供了可变的游戏长度,消除了“世界的尽头”困扰许多游戏的现象。通常情况下,你会每天晚上设置两次,并且一旦在很大的一段时间内,你的“运动会”游戏将需要两晚的时间才能在眼前展现出惊人的全景历史。









From GMT games: In The Napoleonic Wars, GMT Games brings you a fast-paced, tension-filled, card-driven wargame with a point-to-point movement system that pushes the envelope in a new direction for a pivotal period of history. Rooted soundly in Mark Herman's award-winning We The People system, The Napoleonic Wars provides refinements that allow two-to-five players to play an exciting game requiring two to ten hours. The majority of your games will easily end in a single evening, thanks to sudden death victory conditions providing variable game lengths that eliminate the "end of the world" phenomenon that plague many games. Often, you'll set 'em up and knock 'em down twice a night, and once in a great while your Campaign game will require two nights of play for the terrific panoramic history to unfold before your eyes. Like similar card-driven games, The Napoleonic Wars provides strategy cards that are played as events or to activate leaders, armies or fleets (by play of command points) to move on the map. Players must constantly weight the value of an event or reaction card against the need for its command points. Command points themselves can be played for a wide variety of activities, making play unpredictable and fresh with each sitting. Uncontrolled powers are governed by a diplomatic track which is also affected by play of command points and events. Expanded by: Napoleonic Wars: Super Deluxe Map Revised by: The Napoleonic Wars 2008 Update Kit (upgrade to 2nd edition) Re-implemented by: Wellington The Napoleonic Wars (Second Edition) (aka 2008 reprint Edition)