玩家评分: 8.1

Battle Above the Clouds

桌游极客排名: 3638

本月排名变化: 14

玩家评分: 8.1

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 180 分钟

难度: 3.74 (重度策略)


专业评分: 5.83



出版年份: 2010


| Hasbro | Multi-Man Publishing


| Ed Beach | Mike Belles


| Nicolás Eskubi | Charles Kibler | Mort Künstler


|美国内战 |战争




云上的战斗是获奖的美国内战伟大运动(GCACW)系列的第8场。这是第一场涵盖西方戏剧运动的游戏,将作为覆盖从田纳西纳什维尔到格鲁吉亚亚特兰大的整个走廊的一系列地图的核心区域。该游戏包括1863年8月/ 9月的Chickamauga运动和同年10月/ 11月的Chattanooga运动。

云上的战斗使用了第一次发布的相同的GCACW标准基本游戏规则在MMP的“Skirmisher”杂志和“Grant Takes Command”中。西部运动的游戏规模保持不变,虽然已经添加了两个新的地形类型(丘陵和山脊),以正确表示占据查塔努加地区的崎岖地形。


&# 10;云上的战斗包括基本游戏场景中的各种各样的参与。这七个行动包括两个介绍场景,一个骑兵突击,一次撤军,一系列通过山区的作战演习,还有两场大战。 -McLemore小湾(4轮,1863年9月10日至13日)

- 跨越Chickamauga Creek(1回合,1863年9月18日)

- 奇瓦马加之战(3轮,1863年9月18日至20日)

-Wheeler'raid(8轮,9月29日 - 1863年10月6日)

- 打破饼干线(1回,1863年10月28日)


-Ringgold Gap(2轮,1863年11月26日至27日)

两个高级游戏场景涵盖了该地区的主要运动时期: - 奇马高马运动(32轮,8月29日 - 1863年9月29日)

- 查塔努加的围攻(40转,1863年10月28日 - 1863年12月6日)

高级游戏规则集也被标准化,玩家将能够迅速转向新的系列活动。 #10;



Hex:2000码/ 1.15英里&#10单位:军团

&#10战斗云上包含: #10; -GCACW系列规则手册(约24页)


- 两个22“x32”全彩色地图


- 两个全彩色力量显示

- 三个抄书&#10 - 两张4页颜色的图表和表格 - 两个6面骰子

(from MMP's website :) Battle Above the Clouds is the 8th game in the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series. This is the first game covering a western theater campaign and will serve as the core area for a series of maps covering the entire corridor from Nashville, Tennessee to Atlanta, Georgia. The game includes both the Chickamauga campaign of August/September, 1863 and the Chattanooga campaign of October/November of the same year. Battle Above the Clouds uses the same GCACW Standard Basic Game Rules that were first published in MMP's Skirmisher magazine and Grant Takes Command. The game scale remains unchanged for the western campaigns, although two new terrain types (hills and ridges) have been added to properly represent the rugged terrain that dominates the Chattanooga area. [...] Battle Above the Clouds includes a wide variety of engagements in the Basic Game scenarios. The seven actions include two introductory scenarios, a cavalry raid, a fighting withdrawal, a series of operational maneuvers through mountainous terrain, and two large battles: -McLemore’s Cove (4 turns, September 10-13, 1863) -Crossing Chickamauga Creek (1 turn, September 18, 1863) -The Battle of Chickamauga (3 turns, September 18-20, 1863) -Wheeler’s Raid (8 turns, September 29-October 6, 1863) -Opening the Cracker Line (1 turn, October 28, 1863) -Lookout Mountain & Missionary Ridge (2 turns, November 24-25, 1863) -Ringgold Gap (2 turns, November 26-27, 1863) The two Advanced Game scenarios cover both major periods of campaigning in the region: -The Chickamauga Campaign (32 turns, August 29- September 29, 1863) -The Siege of Chattanooga (40 turns, October 28-December 6, 1863) The Advanced Game rule set has also been standardized so players will be able to quickly move to new campaigns in the series. Game Scale: Turn: 1 day Hex: 2000 yards / 1.15 mile Unit: Regiment to Division Battle Above the Clouds contains: -GCACW Series Rules Booklet (approx 24 pgs) -BATC Specific Rules Booklet (approx 48 pgs including scenarios/designer notes) -Two 22"x32" full-color mapsheets -A full-color 11"x17" Off-Map Display -Two full-color Force Displays -Three Countersheets -Two 4-page color Charts and Tables -Two 6-sided Dice