玩家评分: 7.4


桌游极客排名: 437

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 3 - 5 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 90 分钟

难度: 2.91 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12

专业评分: 7.02



出版年份: 2009


| 战棋会(中文)


| Carl de Visser | Jarratt Gray


| Josh Cappel | Klemens Franz | Hanno Girke


|探险 |航海 |文艺复兴

这是世界地图仍在填补的时刻。海上帝国通过派遣船只到全球最远的地区寻求新的土地,新的联盟和新的征服来扩大他们的边界。海外新发现的世界的财富是有力量和狡猾的人抓住它的诱人奖品,并坚持下去!你代表一个日益增长的帝国,从事光荣的努力,以扩大你的&# 10;在世界各地的大海和海洋的影响和地位。通过勘探和运输,殖民化和战争,你们将与其他大国斗争,以控制在你面前展开的资源和地区。“奋进的目标是为你的帝国赢得最多的荣耀。玩家通过提高工业,文化,金融和政治,以及占领城市,控制城市之间的联系以及通过持有某些资产卡和建筑瓷砖而获得荣誉。建立有用的建筑物,收集贸易令牌和获得资产卡的短期目标必须与在竞争对世界各个地区的控制权上实现荣耀的总体目标进行平衡。游戏只有七回合,当你结束时,你想成为获得最多荣耀点的人!


It is a time when the maps of the world are still being filled in. Seagoing empires expand their frontiers by sending ships to the farthest reaches of the globe in search of new lands, new alliances, and new conquests. The wealth of the newly-discovered worlds abroad is a tempting prize for those with the strength and the cunning to seize it... and to hold it! You represent a growing empire engaged in a glorious endeavor to expand your influence and status at home and across the great oceans of the world. Through exploration and shipping, colonization and war, you will struggle with the other great powers to control the resources and the regions that unfold before you. The goal in Endeavor is to earn the most glory for your empire. Players earn glory by increasing their scores in Industry, Culture, Finance, and Politics, as well as by occupying cities, controlling connections between cities, and by holding certain Asset Cards and Building Tiles. Short-term goals of constructing useful buildings, gathering Trade Tokens, and obtaining Asset Cards must be balanced with the overall goal of attaining glory as you compete for control over the various regions of the world. The game only lasts seven rounds, and when it is over you want to be the one who has earned the most Glory points! Each round every player gets to build a new building, based on their Industry track. They then obtain new population markers based on their Culture track and retrieve used markers from building based on their Finance track. During the action phase, players take turns to either activate a building using a population marker or spend trade tokens to take an action: Ship, Occupy, Attack, Payment or Draw. Some buildings and tokens allow a player to take one or both of two actions. Shipping is used to open new regions for Occupation and Drawing, and gains you Trade Tokens. Once a shipping track is full, the player with the most influence in that region gains the powerful Governor card for that region. Occupation of a city results in glory and Trade Tokens, while Attacking steals a city from an opponent! Either Occupation or Attacking can result in claiming the connection between two cities, if both connected cities are controlled by the same player. Drawing gains a card from a region up to the maximum hand limit based on the player's Politics track. A player's influence in a region determines which cards they can draw. Once all players have passed, a new round begins.