玩家评分: 7.8

Ukraine '43

桌游极客排名: 2929

本月排名变化: 13

玩家评分: 7.8

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 360 分钟

难度: 3.55 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.94



出版年份: 2000


| GMT Games | Kokusai-Tsushin Co., Ltd. (国際通信社)


| Tony Curtis | Mark Simonitch


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Mark Simonitch | Sawshun Yamaguchi


|战争 |二战

1943年8月3日,在库尔斯克进攻不到两周之后,苏联在哈尔科夫附近发动了大规模的进攻,打破了德国的线。随后的战斗开始了他们的夏季攻势,将他们穿过乌克兰到达聂伯河。“8月,双方平等配对,从哈尔科夫到亚速海的激烈战争,双方都不愿意让。 9月份,由于无休止的苏联袭击而流血的白色,德国军队急于撤回了狄更河的安全。十月份,这场战斗肆虐了狄更斯和佩雷科普半岛,是克里米亚唯一的德国第十七军的出口。在这个三个月的时间里,德国的各种部队涌入了强化,但这还不够。三个苏联坦克军队和四个苏联阵线通过十九个炮台和全盘炮兵部队。德国和苏联的损失令人吃惊。基辅乌克兰首都乌兹别克斯坦于11月6日下滑。“乌克兰”第一版试图将这一重要运动模拟成中等复杂游戏。该设计采用传统的打击攻击序列,以及受欢迎的控制区域规则。苏联坦克军队和德国坦克军团率先不断攻击和反击。双方能够攻击,这场比赛变成了紧张的技能和神经之战。游戏特色:





1 8.5x11播放卡的顺序(w /反面的历史设置!)


[第2版]第2版已重新设计,以更快的速度使用这个系统用于法国40和诺曼底44。熟悉这些游戏的玩家将会发现新的乌克兰"43“非常容易学习。所有的组件将升级 - 计数器将从半英寸到9/16尺寸,地图将被放大,以便六角形可以容纳更大的计数器,并且每个场景现在将附带一张设置卡,以方便设置游戏。


较大单位更大的十六进制额外的Sturmgeschü tz旅和老虎坦克营按照战斗的顺序。所有Panzer和Panzergrenadier部门,苏联坦克和机械化兵团现在有第三步(残余部队)。简单,经典的igo-ugo系统。







€€¨ *两个全彩色地图产生36.5“ x 34“游戏区


5全彩玩家援助卡€€¨ (2战斗结果/地形效果图,3起始/加固卡)



玩家人数1或2个人:Mark Simonitch

开发商:Tony Curtis

MAP ART:Mark Simonitch

反艺术:Mark Simonitch


On August 3rd, 1943, less than two weeks after the Kursk offensive, the Soviets launched a massive offensive near Kharkov that ripped open the German line. The ensuing battle began their summer offensive that would take them across the Ukraine to the Dnieper River. During August the two sides were equally matched and a tremendous war of attrition raged from Kharkov to the Sea of Azov with neither side willing to give ground. In September, bled white by the never-ending Soviet attacks, the German army retreated in haste to the safety of the Dnieper River. In October, the battle raged along the length of the Dnieper and for the Perekop Peninsula, the only land exit to the German 17th Army in the Crimea. During this three month period German reinforcements poured in from every sector, but it was never enough. Three Soviet Tank Armies and four Soviet Fronts ground through nineteen panzer and panzergrenadier divisions. German and Soviet losses were staggering. Kiev, the capital of the Ukraine, fell on November 6th. [1st edition] Ukraine '43 attempts to simulate this important campaign in a moderately complex game. The design uses the conventional move-fight-exploit sequence of play and the popular Zone of Control Bond rules. Soviet tank armies and German panzer corps spearhead constant attacks and counterattacks. With both sides able to attack, the game becomes a tense battle of skill and nerves. Game Features: German Panzer Corps/Russian Tank Army capabilities Soviet massed artillery German tactical proficiency German Tiger tanks Soviet sappers air power differing capabilities for Marshal Zhukov and General Manstein Zone of Control Bonds COMPONENTS (1st edition) 280 1/2" full-color counters One One 22x29" full-color mapsheet and one 5x29" full-color mapsheet which form a 26.75 x 29” map 32-page Rule Book 2 full-color 11x17 Player Aid Cards 1 8.5x11 Sequence of Play Card (w/ Historical Setup on the reverse side!) Three 6-sided dice [2nd Edition]The 2nd Edition has been re-designed to play much faster using the system used in France '40 and Normandy '44. Players familiar with those games will find the new Ukraine '43 very easy to learn. All the components will be upgraded -- the counters will go from half-inch to 9/16 size, the map will be enlarged so the hexes can accommodate the larger counters, and each scenario will now come with a setup card to facilitate setting up the game. NEW FEATURES: Larger units Larger hexes Additional Sturmgeschütz brigades and Tiger Tank battalions in the order of battle. All Panzer and Panzergrenadier divisions, Soviet Tank and Mechanized Corps now have a 3rd step (remnant unit). Simple, classic igo-ugo system. OLD FEATURES THAT HAVE BEEN RETAINED:
 Russian Tank Army and Shock Army capabilities
 Soviet massed artillery
 German Tiger tanks 
air power differing capabilities for Marshal Zhukov and General Manstein Zone of Control Bonds COMPONENTS (2nd edition) 9/16" full-color counters (one and a half counter sheets) 
* Two full-color mapsheets which together form a 36.5" x 34" map 28-page Rule Book
 5 full-color Player Aid Cards
 (2 Combat result/Terrain effect chart, 3 At Start/Reinforcement cards) Two 6-sided dice TIME SCALE 5 days per turn MAP SCALE 10 miles per hex UNIT SCALE Primarily divisional. NUMBER OF PLAYERS One or twoDESIGNER: Mark Simonitch DEVELOPER: Tony Curtis MAP ART: Mark Simonitch COUNTER ART: Mark Simonitch (source: GMT website and user's description)