玩家评分: 7.7


桌游极客排名: 573

本月排名变化: 1

玩家评分: 7.7

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 30-60 分钟

难度: 2.51 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 13

专业评分: 6.9



出版年份: 2007


| Don & Co. | HUCH! | Rebel Sp. z o.o.


| Kris Burm


| Kris Burm | lu'cifer




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TZAAR是一个有关选择的游戏。两名玩家有30件,分为3种类型:6 Tzaars,9 Tzarras和15 Totts。这三种类型的片段形成三位一体:它们彼此不能存在。目的是要使对手用完三种类型的棋子之一,或让他处于不能捕获的位置。玩家们每轮都要问自己的棘手问题是:“我会让自己更强壮还是我的对手更弱?”意思是:你会捕捉到一个对手的部分,使他更弱,还是你会跳过自己的一块,使自己更强壮?如果你选择跳过你自己的棋子,你可能会让对手在棋盘上留下太多的棋子。另一方面,如果你拍的太频繁,你可能会在游戏结束时得到不够强大的棋子。该怎么办?由你决定!


TZAAR is a game about making choices. Both players have 30 pieces, divided in three types: 6 Tzaars, 9 Tzarras and 15 Totts. The three types of pieces form a trinity: They cannot exist without each other. The aim is either to make the opponent run out of one of the three types of pieces or to put him in a position in which he cannot capture any more. The tricky question the players will have to ask themselves on each of their turns is: “Shall I make myself stronger or my opponent weaker?” Meaning: Will you capture an opponent’s piece and make him weaker, or will you jump on top of one of your own pieces and make yourself stronger? If you choose to jump on top of your own pieces too often, you will probably leave your opponent with too many pieces on the board. On the other hand, if you capture too often, you may end up with pieces that are not strong enough at the end of the game. What to do? Up to you to decide! TZAAR replaced TAMSK as part of project GIPF, which was felt to not quite fit in with the others due to its use of sand timers.