玩家评分: 8.6

十字军与革命:西班牙内战,1936 - 1939年
Crusade and Revolution: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939

桌游极客排名: 2077

本月排名变化: 17

玩家评分: 8.6

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 180-360 分钟

难度: 3.28 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 14+

专业评分: 6.13


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2013


| 4Dados | Compass Games


| David Gómez Relloso


| Nicolás Eskubi


|内战 |战争


“CRUSADE AND REVOLUTION:The Spanish Civil War,1936-1939” (C& R)是涵盖西班牙内战(1936 - 1939年)的卡驱动的点对点运动战略操作战争。它的规则是基于泰德·莱奇的“荣耀之路”。

动员,招募,部队运动,进攻,建立防御和地狱;还有外援军事援助,国际政策,共和政府的变化等都有必要考虑的历史事件。“en ADA ADA;;;;]] ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA Y REVOLUCIÓ N。 La Guerra Civil Españ ola,1936-1939“ (CyR)es un juego de guerra(wargame)a nivel estraté gico-operacional con cartas y movimiento por zonas que simula la Guerra Civil Españ ola(1936-1939)。 Sus reglas se basan en“Paths of Glory” de Ted Raicer。

Cada jugador se pone al frente de uno de los dos bandos(Nacional o Republicano),y atiende todos los aspectos que implican una guerra:movilizació n,reclutamiento,movimiento de tropas,构成和亵渎; Tambié n hay eventos histó ricos que se deben tener en cuenta,como la ayuda militar extranjera,polí tica internacional,cambio del gobierno republicano等。

(来自Compass Games网站:)

“十字军与革命”(C& R)将享受,可玩性和历史模拟结合在一起。它采用传统的卡片驱动系统,适应西班牙内战的具体情况。每个玩家都有自己的战略卡片,这是游戏的核心,必须做出他们在游戏中使用的困难选择。每张卡有四种可能的用途,但是每次玩卡时都可以选择其中一种。可能性是:重建历史事件:每张卡都会显示一场影响战争进程的历史事件。它们包括政治,军事,经济甚至社会事件,以及通过西班牙内部战争和来自德国,意大利和俄罗斯的外国势力的双方的援助。


改变你的军队的更换点:每张卡都有一个替换点值,用于修复损坏或重建毁坏的单位在转弯结束时。卡牌的历史事件对游戏的影响越大,其操作,SR和替换值越大。因此,玩家在玩牌时往往面临两难境地:使用重要事件,在弱势群体中发动攻势,将单位从前线移到另一方,或者累积替换以从损失中恢复;将其与“战斗卡”组合这带来了战术上的好处,一个玩家的面孔与每张卡片都有无数的选择。一个完整的C& R游戏分为三个阶段,它们说明了西班牙内战的演变,推出新的战略卡:“战争之战阶段从1937年2月的战争爆发和完成开始。在这一阶段,只有”小单位“被使用,因为双方的战斗人员有限,几乎都是以不规则的单位进行分组 - 称为“列” - 这些行动是在大而不畅的战区前进行的。最好的这些“小单位”是民族主义的非洲陆军正规部队在法国爆发战争时,由摩洛哥从摩洛哥带到西班牙大陆。这些单位是强大但脆弱的,因为它们不能用替换点替换或补充。“动员阶段从1937年3月到1938年2月。在此期间,双方意识到战争不会快速完成,开始调动人力物力资源,形成正规的军队。玩家部署他们的第一个“大单位” (军队)和大型战斗在西班牙爆发。


时间尺度: 1转=两个月(游戏前4圈1个月)

地图比例:1个空间=大约60公里(37英里)&#10单位规模:(小单位)从不规则列到分区。 (大单位)从强化部门到军队。


组件:&#10 ;一个22“ 34“映射


176 5/8“死刑柜台280 1/2“死刑柜台一个规则手册一本手册四人助手卡


设计师:David Gó mez Relloso

开发人员:Kevin Bernatz

艺术家:Nicolá Eskubi Ugalde

(from the designer:) "CRUSADE AND REVOLUTION: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939" (C&R) is a card-driven point-to-point movement strategic-operational wargame that covers all the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Its rules are based on Ted Raicer’s "Paths of Glory". Each player takes command of one of the sides (Nationalist or Republican), and looks after all the aspects that involve a war: mobilization, recruitment, movement of troops, offensives, construction of defences… There are also historical events that must be taken into consideration, as the foreign military aid, international policy, change of Republican Government, etc. [en Español:] "CRUZADA Y REVOLUCIÓN. La Guerra Civil Española, 1936-1939" (CyR) es un juego de guerra (wargame) a nivel estratégico-operacional con cartas y movimiento por zonas que simula la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939). Sus reglas se basan en "Paths of Glory" de Ted Raicer. Cada jugador se pone al frente de uno de los dos bandos (Nacional o Republicano), y atiende todos los aspectos que implican una guerra: movilización, reclutamiento, movimiento de tropas, ofensivas, construcción de defensas… También hay eventos históricos que se deben tener en cuenta, como la ayuda militar extranjera, política internacional, cambio del gobierno republicano, etc. (from Compass Games website:) Crusade and Revolution (C&R) pulls together enjoyment, playability and historical simulation. It uses the traditional card-driven system, adapting it to the specific circumstances of the Spanish Civil War. Each player has his own deck of strategic cards, which are the heart of the game, and must make difficult choices on their use through-out the game. Each card has four possible uses, but only one of them can be chosen each time the card is played! The possibilities are: Recreate a Historical Event: Each card shows a historical event that affected the course of the war. They include political, military, economic and even social events, as well as the reinforcements that flowed to both sides through-out the war both from within Spain, and from foreign powers Germany, Italy and Russia. Conduct Operations: Each card has an operations value that is used for activating units on the game map for movement, preparing fortifications, or attacking. Strategic Redeployment (SR) of Troops: Each card has a Strategic Redeployment value that is used to move units great distances on the game map, or to bring units out of Reserve to shore up a threatened flank. Replacement Points for Reforming Your Army: Each card has a Replacement Point value which is recorded and used for repairing damaged or rebuilding destroyed units at the end of the turn. The greater impact the historical event of a card has on the game, the greater its Operations, SR and Replacements value. As such, a player is often faced with a dilemma while playing each card: use an important event, launch an offensive in a vulnerable zone, move units from one front to other, or accumulate replacements to recover from losses? Combine this with "Combat cards" that bring tactical benefits, and a player faces has a myriad of choices with each and every card. A complete C&R game is divided into three phases, which illustrate the evolution of the Spanish Civil War and introduce new strategic cards: The War of the Columns phase begins with the outbreak of war and finishes in February 1937. During this phase only “small units” are used, because both sides had limited combatants, almost all grouped in irregular units - called “columns”- that operated across large, poorly garrisoned fronts. The best of these “small units” are the Nationalist African Army regular army units – brought to the Spanish mainland from Morocco by Franco at the outbreak of the war. These units are strong, but brittle, as they cannot be replaced or replenished with Replacement Points. The Mobilization phase lasts from March 1937 to February 1938. During this period the two sides realized that the war would not be over quickly, and began to mobilize their human and material resources to form regular armies. The players deploy their first “large units” (army corps) and large battles erupt across Spain. The War of the Armies phase begins in March 1938 and lasts until the end of the war, in April 1939. During this time, the Nationalists tried to force the enemy’s unconditional surrender, while the Republic fought desperately to resist and prolong the Spanish Civil War so that it might merge with the threatening Second World War, which could be seen looming in the horizon. Take command of your forces! Marshall international aid and intervention to your side! But take care...for your opponent is doing the same, and while you may be planning on achieving a quick victory, you never know what a game of Crusade and Revolution may bring! Time Scale: 1 turn = Two months (1 month during the first 4 turns of the game) Map Scale: 1 space = approximately 60 kilometres (37 miles) Unit Scale: (Small Units) from Irregular columns to divisions. (Large Units) From reinforced divisions to army corps. Players: 2 Playing Time: Small Scenarios: 3-4 hours, Full Campaign: 8+ hours Components: One 22" by 34" map 110 Strategy Cards 176 5/8" diecut counters 280 1/2" diecut counters One Rulebook One Playbook Four Player Aid Cards Two six-sided dice Designer: David Gómez Relloso Developer: Kevin Bernatz Artist: Nicolás Eskubi Ugalde