玩家评分: 7.3

Rollway Station

桌游极客排名: 9463

本月排名变化: 80

玩家评分: 7.3

玩家人数: 1 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 30-45 分钟

难度: 2.67 (中度策略)


专业评分: 5.56



出版年份: 2020


| (Web published)


| Kendall McKenzie


| Kendall McKenzie




Rollway Station is a roll and write game inspired by the 18xx series of games. In these games players take on the role of an investor, trading stocks and shares in train companies in order to beat the competition and earn the most money. Rollway Station distils the experience into a short solo experience, using dice to add a layer of unpredictability. The game is played over fifteen turns, in which the player will roll five dice and assign them to three different actions: buying shares, auctioning trains, and laying track. The values of the dice determine the options a player has. Every few turns there is an operating round where the companies run the best routes they can and earn money for the player based on the number of stops they make and the number of shares the player owns. The player also has access to Engineers who will help to lay additional track at the cost of money. The aim of the game is to earn the most money possible. There are three different maps available with different starting layouts and special advanced rules. There is also a multiplayer variant in which all players play the standard solo game but using the same dice rolls, comparing their score at the end. —description from the designer