玩家评分: 7.2

Tribune: Primus Inter Pares

桌游极客排名: 923

本月排名变化: 6

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 60-120 分钟

难度: 2.87 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12

专业评分: 6.66


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2007


| Edge Entertainment | Fantasy Flight Games | Heidelberger Spieleverlag


| Karl-Heinz Schmiel


| Jochen Eeuwyk


|古代 |政治

在古罗马,论坛是由人民选出来的政治和军事代表的高度尊重的个人。在“论坛报”论坛:Primus Inter Pares,玩家扮演一个强大而雄心勃勃的贵族家庭的角色。通过对各派进行影响和操纵控制,他们试图铺路,以获得论坛的高层次。从“高度赞誉的”死亡之师“设计师的心中, Karl-Heinz Schmiel,“论坛报”中的游戏是工作者放置和集合的组合。每轮玩家轮流放置他们的追随者在板上获得卡,实现目标和/或尝试接管派系。为了控制一个阵营并利用其利益,必须从该特定群体中玩一套牌。那个人将继续掌握这个阵营,直到有人通过拥有更高数量或更高的价值数量的另一个组合来成功接手。


In ancient Rome, tribunes were highly esteemed individuals elected by the people to represent them politically and militarily. In the board game Tribune: Primus Inter Pares, players take on the role of a powerful and ambitious patrician family. By applying influences and manipulating controls over the various factions, they attempt to pave their way to victory in order to attain the high office of the tribune. From the mind of the highly acclaimed designer of Die Macher, Karl-Heinz Schmiel, the gameplay in Tribune is a combination of worker placement and set collection. Each round, the players take turns by positioning their followers on the board to garner cards, achieve objectives, and/or attempt to take over factions. In order to gain control of a faction and to utilize its benefits, one must play a set of cards from that specific group. That person will remain in command of the faction until someone else stages a successful take-over by having another set that is either of higher quantity or higher sum of values. Victory is achieved when a player has met the required number of objectives as specified on the victory condition card selected at the start of the game, which is dependent on the number of participants. Alternatively, you can choose to forego the use of a condition card and play with the point-value option. In this variant, the game ends when someone has collected a certain number of the faction markers, and the winner is the one with the highest scores as determined by the points assigned to each achievement.