玩家评分: 6.7

Perry Rhodan: The Cosmic League

桌游极客排名: 2159

本月排名变化: 8

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 1.96 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.10



出版年份: 2007


| KOSMOS | Z-Man Games | Zvezda


| Heinrich Glumpler


| Swen Papenbrock


|卡牌游戏 |经济 |科幻

这个游戏是在自1961年以来出版的一个非常受欢迎的德国空间歌剧丛书佩里·罗丹宇宙(Perry Rhodan universe)中设定的。术语“kosmisch”意指“宇宙”; "汉萨"指的是汉萨同盟,一个在北欧的中世纪贸易网络。在本书系列的美国翻译中,短语“Die Kosmische Hanse”被翻译为“宇宙之家”。

在这个游戏中,玩家承担在行星之间运输货物的交易者的角色。偶尔也可以携带乘客,带来额外的收益。玩家可以投资货物空间,发射器或更快的驱动器来改善其太空船。“游戏设计师Heinrich Glumpler是金星商人的粉丝,正如您可以从这个评论中看到的那样。 #10;

这件作品是由Perry Rhodan书系列插画师之一Swen Papenbrock。

这个游戏是Kosmos双人游戏系列的一部分。 #10;

游戏总结#将行星卡放在一条线上。货物卡是双面的;随机化,然后在每个行星上按照类型(但不超过2 /类型/行星开始)分配几个。玩家的船只从行星1开始。每个都有自己的甲板,洗牌;画5张牌。这些卡主要是技术卡,可以给你持续的力量;或一次性使用卡(通过自己玩匹配卡来对抗对手的卡)。花费VP来玩卡片。

&10;转动你的船(降低能量消耗太阳),拿起东西(开始游戏,只有一个货舱),提供东西。交付时,您将交付的卡片翻转过来;任何结果匹配从游戏中删除 - 作为游戏计时器!你赢得胜利(70)副总裁。如果货物先走了,大多数的VP赢了。

This game is set in the Perry Rhodan universe, a hugely popular German space-opera book series published since 1961. The term "kosmisch" means "cosmic"; "Hanse" refers to the Hanseatic League, a Medieval trade network in Northern Europe. In the american translation of the book series the phrase "Die Kosmische Hanse" was translated as "The Cosmic House". In this game the players take on the roles of traders who transport goods between planets. Occasionally one can carry also passengers, which bring additional profit. Players can invest in cargo space, transmitters, or faster drives to improve their spaceships. Heinrich Glumpler, the designer of the game, is a fan of Merchant of Venus, as you can see from this comment. The artwork is by Swen Papenbrock, one of the illustrators of the Perry Rhodan book series. This game is part of the Kosmos two-player series. Game Summary Place the 6 planet cards in a line. The goods cards are double-sided; randomize them, then place several on each planet grouped by type (but no more than 2/type/planet to start). Each has their own deck, shuffled; draw 5 card hand. The cards are mostly tech cards, which can give you ongoing power; or single-use cards (counter opponent's card by playing matching card yourself). Each player begins with one card in play. This card gives each player one container and one replenishment. One player decides whether to go first or choose on which planet both planets will start. The other player gets the other option. On one's turn a player may do these actions in any order: - Flight - Two Interventions (play cards that don't have the ∞ on them) - Take two Planetary Actions (load, unload, or buy an ∞ card) When a player unloads, the delivered cards are flipped over; any resulting matches are removed from game, slowly reducing the available loads and potentially ending the game! You win by getting reaching a target 70 VP. If all goods are removed, then most VP wins.


57 x 89mm