玩家评分: 6.8


桌游极客排名: 3271

本月排名变化: 29

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 45-60 分钟

难度: 2.1 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.88



出版年份: 2009


| Pegasus Spiele


| Jeffrey D. Allers


| Tom Thiel


|动物 |农业 |区域建设

在密西西比河西部,中美洲的草原包含了世界上最丰富的农田,生产玉米,大豆,小麦,干草和牲畜。 1803年从法国购买路易斯安那州领土,该地区由东部定居者分为平方英里地块。在这个游戏中,玩家扮演了这些定居者的角色,开发了土地和在美国建立农场的心脏地带。“游戏”标题为“Eine Frage derÄ hre” ;在德国,是一个三维拼贴游戏。每块瓷砖包含两种种植的作物以及一定数量的“稗”。放置瓷砖时,玩家必须始终在得分立即“收获”之间选择。 (胜利)点或通过稗子开发他们的农场,这将提供长期的胜利点。此外,还有一场比赛,以获得最有价值的动物为农场的每个稗点轨道。玩家也可以“旋转作物”通过使用他们的瓷砖掩盖领域,带来他们的对手的点,可能扩大自己的农场在过程中。这转化为一个长达一小时的游戏,针对家庭和游戏玩家有多条胜利之路。

资料来源:Jeffrey D. Allers

West of the Mississippi, the grasslands of Middle America contain some of the richest farm land in the world, producing corn, soybeans, wheat, hay, and livestock. Purchased from France as part of the Louisiana Territory in 1803, the region was divided into square mile plots for the settlers from the east. In this game, players take the role of these settlers, developing the plots of land and establishing farms in America’s “Heartland.” The game, entitled “Eine Frage der Ähre” in German, is a three-dimensional tile-laying game. Each tile contains two types of crops to be planted as well as a certain number of “barnyard points.” When placing tiles, players must always choose between scoring immediate “harvest” (victory) points or developing their farms through the barnyard points, which will provide victory points over the longer term. In addition, there is a race to the top of each barnyard point track in order to acquire the most valuable animals for the farm. Players may also “rotate crops” by using their tiles to cover up fields that bring their opponent’s points, possibly expanding their own farms in the process. This translates into an hour-long game aimed at families and gamers with multiple paths to victory. Source: Jeffrey D. Allers