玩家评分: 6.6

Pirate's Cove

桌游极客排名: 1593

本月排名变化: 10

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 3 - 5 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 60-90 分钟

难度: 2.01 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 6.31


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2002


| Days of Wonder | AMIGO | Lautapelit.fi


| Paul Randles | Daniel Stahl


| Cyrille Daujean | Julien Delval | Swen Papenbrock


|冒险 |战斗 |航海 |海盗

来到海盗海盗海盗和盗猎海盗的传奇隐藏之旅。那些在这些神秘水域战斗和幸存下来的那些传说中的古老海盗的故事仍然困扰着所有渴望在海上生活的人。装备了一张秘密地图,并从上个冬天的风暴中抢救出来的温和itted and s and,,,,,,,,,to to to to to,,,,,,,,,。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 ;你的目标:争取掠夺的权利,成为世界上最着名和最可怕的海盗。要做到这一点,你将需要精明的导航,肆无忌惮地肆意掠夺。你将通过赢得胜利而获胜;埋葬黄金和宝藏;并吹嘘你在酒馆的漏洞。在十二个月底,最有名望的海盗将被宣布为公海上最可怕的海盗!


作战决议是由你的船长和炮火(骰子)的结果决定的。战斗的目标是吓跑敌对海盗,使你成为岛上唯一的海盗。如果你在战斗中停留太长时间,你的船会受到伤害,随后的转弯变得更加困难,所以有一个很好的平衡,什么时候停留和战斗,什么时候让更大的船有它的战利品。如果你们从战斗中逃跑,那么你最终会在海盗湾,在那里你会得到一个小的赔偿。一旦所有的冲突得到解决,那么每个岛屿的赏金就会被发放出来。每个岛屿(海盗湾和金银岛除外)都提供不同数量的名利,金币,宝藏或者小酒馆卡。赏金是偏斜的,所以一些群岛显然是比其他群岛好的选择,所以如果你觉得如果其他的海盗去追求同样的赏赐,你可以决定(或虚张声势)。一旦你有了你的赏金,你可以购买你的船的升级。每个岛屿提供不同的船舶部件。你的船的四个部分是:帆(确定战斗中的速度和主动性),赫尔(你可以携带多少宝藏),船员(需要人大炮)和大炮。 (船员和大炮的数量越少,就决定了多少骰子在战斗中)。还有一个岛上有一个提供有用的策略卡,可以帮助你在游戏的各个方面。最后一个岛是宝藏岛,除了在你的船体上埋藏宝藏的机会之外,不提供真正的赏金。被埋藏的宝藏被转化为名望(这是游戏的最终目标)。游戏的其他随机元素包括可怕的传奇海盗,他们是高度危险的船只,按顺序进行巡逻。五款不同的传奇海盗之一(包括黑胡子和飞行荷兰人等着名名称)在每场比赛开始时被绘制,直到被击败。如果你和他们中的一个最终在同一个岛上,你最好有一个强大的船和有用的盟友,否则他们会用强大的大炮炸毁你。但是,如果你能下沉他们的船只,你可以得到很多的名气!但是要小心,一旦你打败他/她,一个新的传奇海盗就会在这个岛屿上破坏了。

在比赛结束时,每个人都有机会告诉“高大的故事” ;关于自己增加他们的最终名声榜。这些高大的故事片在酒吧中获得,并提供另一个有趣的“海盗”机械。总而言之,海盗湾为您提供了一个真正玩耍的机会,就像一个海盗一样,你可以在那里打架,抢夺胜利。“#10;

Come aboard and sail to Pirate's Cove, the legendary hideaway of thieving pirates and cutthroat buccaneers. The tales of those legendary pirates of old who've fought and survived these mysterious waters still haunt all those who yearn for a life at sea. Armed with a secret map and starting with a modestly outfitted sloop salvaged from last winter's storm, you set sail to Pirate's Cove, your eyes filled with visions of treasure and fame, your lungs filled with the salty air of the high seas. Your objective: to battle for the rights to plunder and become the most famed and feared pirate the world has ever seen. To do so, you will need to navigate shrewdly, fight recklessly and pillage mercilessly. You will gain fame by winning battles; burying gold and treasure; and bragging about your exploits at the tavern. At the end of twelve months, the pirate with the most fame will be declared the most fearsome pirate of the high seas! The game has 12 turns and at the start of every turn, each pirate must decide (secretly) which of the six islands they will visit. All players reveal their navigation directions simultaneously and then the turn is resolved. If any two or more pirates end up at the same island, Combat ensues. Combat resolution is determined by the strengths of your ship and the results of cannon fire (dice). The goal of combat is to scare away rival pirates so that you are the only pirate left at the island. If you stay in combat too long, your ship will suffer and make subsequent turns more difficult, so there is a fine balance of when to stay and fight and when to let the bigger ship have its booty. If you flee from combat, you end up at Pirate's Cove where you receive a small compensation for the turn. Once all conflicts are resolved, then the bounty for each island is given out. Each island (except Pirate's Cove and Treasure Island) offer various amounts of Fame, Gold, Treasure or Tavern cards. The bounty is skewed so that some Islands are clearly better choices than others, so it can force you to decide (or bluff) if you think you can take the island should other pirates go after the same bounty. Once you have your bounty, you can purchase upgrades for your ship. Each Island offers a different ship component. The four parts of your ship are: Sails (determines speed and initiative in combat), Hull (how much treasure you can carry), Crew (needed to man the cannons), and Cannons. (The lower number of Crew and Cannons determines how many dice you roll in combat). There is also an island with a Pub that offers useful strategy cards to help you in all aspects of the game. The last island is treasure island which offers no real bounty other than the chance to bury treasures that you have in the hull of your ship. Buried treasure is converted to Fame (which is the ultimate goal of the game). Other random elements of the game include the dreaded Legendary Pirates who are highly dangerous ships that patrol the islands in order. One of 5 different Legendary Pirates (which include famous names like Blackbeard and The Flying Dutchman) is drawn at the beginning of every game, and stays until defeated. If you end up at the same island as one of them, you had better have a strong ship and helpful allies or they will blast you with their powerful cannons. However, if you can manage to sink their ships, you can score a good amount of fame! But beware, once you defeat him/her a new Legendary Pirate will appear to wreck havoc in the islands. At the very end of the game, there is a chance for everyone to tell "tall tales" about themselves to increase their final fame standings. These tall tale cards are gained at the pub and offer yet another fun "pirate" mechanic. In all, Pirate's Cove offers you the chance to truly play like a pirate where you can fight and plunder your way to victory.


44 x 68mm (1 11/16" x 2 5/8")