玩家评分: 6.7

Key Harvest

桌游极客排名: 2145

本月排名变化: 11

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 90 分钟

难度: 3.03 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.10



出版年份: 2007


| R&D Games | ABACUSSPIELE | Quined White Goblin Games


| Richard Breese


| Juliet Breese | Mike Doyle (I)


|农业 |中世纪 |区域建设

Key Harvest是R& D Games发行的关键系列游戏中的第五场比赛。游戏的目标是获得最多的分数。玩家通过将瓷砖放在自己的国家板上得分。在玩家最大的一组连接的场地瓦片中,每个场地瓦片的得分为一分,而在其第二大连接群组中,每个瓦片的两分也被打分。他们的国家委员会每个工作人员得分的分数等于工作人员瓦片上的数量。计算最大的瓷砖组时,工作砖不算作连接砖。玩家时,工作人员可以让玩家采取特别行动。每个球员都有自己的六名工人队伍,被称为农场主。还有六个城镇人可以被任何玩家收购。



玩家每轮有两个动作。有四种可能的行动。每个动作只能每轮执行一次。如上所述,动作包括将来自商店的场贴片放置到其国家主板上 - 动作(c),将来自注册表的场贴片放入他们的商店 - 动作(d)中,并将工作者贴片放置在其国家板上 - 动作( b)。行动(c)不能在行动(d)后执行。玩家也可以通过在其国家板上翻转一些未收获的田地砖来收获作物 - 动作(a)。从注册表中取出的田地砖立即用袋子中的田地砖替代。该包还包含许多事件瓷砖。事件瓦片在绘制时会影响所有玩家,而不仅仅是绘制事件瓦片的玩家。当第十个事件瓦片被绘制时,游戏结束后再播放两次。“一点也被授予了最终每个类型的作物计数器最多的玩家。的游戏。没有任何积分被授予领带。使用城镇板上的得分轨迹计算积分。最多的玩家是赢家。

Nr。 4在QWG Master Print Edition系列中,作为Demetra

Key Harvest is the fifth game in the key series of games published by R&D Games. The object of the game is to score the most points. Players score points by placing tiles on their own country board. One point is scored for each field tile in the player's largest group of connected field tiles and two points for each tile in their second largest connected group. Points are also scored for the worker tiles a player places on their country board. The number of points scored for each worker is equal to the number on the worker tile. Worker tiles do not count as connecting tiles when calculating the largest group of tiles. When played, a worker enables a player to take a special action. Each player has their own team of six workers, known as farmhands. There are also six townsfolk who can be acquired by any player. There are usually six field tiles available at any time from the registry. On their turn a player may bid for up to two tiles using crop counters. The field tile being bid for and the bid in crop counters are placed in the player's store. On their turn the other players may match the store owner's bid in both the number and type of crop counters. If they choose to do so, then they place the field tile on their country board and pay the crop counters to the store owner. If no other player has matched the store owner's bid, then on their next turn the store owner may place the field tile(s) from their store onto their country board and pay their bid in crop counters to the general stock. When deciding how much to bid for a field tile, players will need to consider how important the field tile is to them and whether other players are likely to bid for the tile. It is usually beneficial for a player to place field tiles into their store as that player will either obtain the field tile or receive additional crop counters. When played, a worker tile must be adjacent to at least the number of field tiles as the number on the worker tile. A worker tile cannot be adjacent to another worker tile. If a player obtains a field tile for a space where they have already placed a worker tile, they must remove the worker tile. However, if the worker tile can be replaced immediately (next to the required number of field tiles), then the player can benefit from the worker's ability again. Getting these extra benefits is one of the keys to doing well in the game. Players have two actions per turn. There are four possible actions. Each action can only be performed once per turn. As described above, the actions include placing field tiles from the stores onto their country board - action (c), placing field tiles from the registry into their store - action (d), and placing a worker tile onto their country board - action (b). Action (c) cannot be performed after action (d). A player may also harvest crops by turning over some unharvested field tiles on their country board - action (a). Field tiles taken from the registry are replaced immediately with field tiles from the bag. The bag also contains a number of event tiles. The event tiles, when drawn, affect all of the players, not just the player who drew the event tile. When the tenth event tile is drawn, the game ends after two further rounds have been played. One point is also awarded to the players who have the most of each of the types of crop counters at the end of the game. No points are awarded for ties. Points are tallied using the scoring track on the town board. The player with the most points is the winner. Nr. 4 in the QWG Master Print Edition series, as Demetra