玩家评分: 8.1

Combat Commander: Pacific

桌游极客排名: 919

本月排名变化: 11

玩家评分: 8.1

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 180 分钟

难度: 3.24 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12

专业评分: 6.66



出版年份: 2008


| Devir | GMT Games


| John Foley | Chad Jensen | Kai Jensen


| Lee Brimmicombe-Wood | Chad Jensen | Rodger B. MacGowan


|战争 |二战

战斗指挥官:太平洋是一个卡驱动的棋盘游戏,涵盖二战太平洋战区的战术步兵战斗。 CC:P的主题是向战斗指挥官家族增加三个新派系:“#帝国日本太平洋美国 - 强调美国海军陆战队“太平洋联邦 - 专注于印度和ANZAC力量“#########”CC:P“是卡驱动的战斗指挥官游戏系列中独立游戏。在使用战斗指挥官:欧洲的基本规则时,CC:P包括许多规则调整和补充,以便更准确地描绘太平洋和印度洋海域及其周围的参与者所经历的战术战争。这稍微增加了作战指挥官系列的复杂性,同时赋予了更多的深度和现实主义。只有一些补充措施包括:“Banzai攻击”;“BAR”和“汤普森SMG”;“#海滩着陆&河流十字路口;隐藏的运动;#10;洞穴;



树梢狙击手&# 10; Reconnitering。

SCALE:战斗指挥官地图的每个十六进制大约是100英尺(约30米)。每个完整的Player Turn抽象地代表几秒钟的实时。每个完整的游戏转换抽象地代表几分钟的实时。


游戏流战斗指挥官的游戏分为几段时间段。然而,没有任何游戏顺序:每个时间段被分成可变数量的玩家转弯,每个玩家转弯可以由一个或多个命运卡“命令”组成。由主动玩家进行。命运卡“动作”通常可以由任何一个玩家在任何时间进行。 "活动与QU​​OT;和模具辊“触发器” —无论好还是坏将以随机的间隔发生,为每个玩家的完美计划增加一些混乱和不确定性。







220x 2.5 x 3.5卡

6x双面17 x 22地图(总共12张地图)

3x双面8.5 x 11国家特定球员援助表

2x单面8.5 x 11通用玩家辅助工具

1x 32页规则手册

1x 32页Playbook




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Combat Commander:Pacific is a card-driven board game covering tactical infantry combat in the Pacific Theater of World War II. CC:P's main theme is the addition of three new factions to the Combat Commander family: Imperial Japan the Pacific US - with a strong emphasis on the US Marine Corps the Pacific Commonwealth - focusing on Indian and ANZAC forces CC:P is a stand alone game in the card-driven Combat Commander game series. While utilizing Combat Commander: Europe's basic rules, CC:P includes numerous rule tweaks and additions in order to more accurately portray tactical warfare as experienced by the participants in and around the Pacific and Indian Oceans. This slightly ramps up the complexity of the Combat Commander series while at the same time imparting a bit more depth and realism. Just a few of the additions include: Banzai attacks; BARs and Thompson SMGs; Beach landings & river crossings; Hidden movement; Caves; Scouts; Aircraft; Bayonets; Mortar spotting; Treetop snipers; Reconnoitering. SCALE: Each hex of a Combat Commander map is roughly 100 feet across (about 30 meters). Each complete Player Turn abstractly represents several seconds of real time. Each complete Game Turn abstractly represents several minutes of real time. UNITS: Due in part to the unique composition of late-war USMC squads and the imbedding of specialized weapon teams within IJA squads, the units in the game are represented by 4-6 man Teams and 8-13 man Squads. Radios — and individual weapons larger than a rifle — are represented by their own counters. Individual Aircraft are also represented with their own counters. VICTORY: Players attempt to achieve victory by moving their combat units across the game map to attack their opponent’s combat units and occupy as many objectives as possible. The degree to which a player succeeds or fails is measured by a scenario’s specific Objective chits, the destruction of enemy units, and the exiting of friendly units off the opponent’s board edge. GAME FLOW: A game of Combat Commander is divided into several Time segments. There is no sequence of play to follow, however: each Time segment is divided into a variable number of Player Turns, each of which may consist of one or more Fate Card "Orders" conducted by the active player. Fate Card "Actions" may generally be conducted by either player at any time. "Events" and die roll "Triggers" — both good and bad — will occur at random intervals to add a bit of chaos and uncertainty to each player’s perfect plan. CC:P includes twelve maps featuring terrain specific to the PTO. CC:P's playbook includes: twelve scenarios. Pacific version of the Random Scenario Generator utilizing the new maps and nationalities. This random scenario system provides an almost unending variety of map configurations, force structures, and combat situations. section detailing the differences between CC:P and Combat Commander's first two volumes in order that players familiar with those earlier games can jump right into their first scenario with minimal rules reading. examples of play. Design & Development notes as well as numerous play hints. Components: 352x large counters (5/8") 280x small counters (1/2") 220x 2.5 x 3.5 cards 6x 2-sided 17 x 22 maps (twelve maps in total) 3x 2-sided 8.5 x 11 nation-specific player aid sheets 2x 1-sided 8.5 x 11 generic player aid sheets 1x 32-page Rulebook 1x 32-page Playbook 1x Track Display NOTE: Combat Commander:Pacific is a stand-alone game. You do NOT need to own any other Combat Commander game in order to play it, though familiarity with the system would be a plus.