玩家评分: 6.7

巴比伦 5 集换式卡牌游戏
Babylon 5 Collectible Card Game

桌游极客排名: 4562

本月排名变化: 35

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 2 - 10 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 3.1 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 5.74



出版年份: 1997


| Precedence Publishing


| Ran Ackels | Edi Birsan | Paul Brown | John Hart | David Hewitt | John Myler | Kevin Tewart


| 暂缺

基于J. Michael Straczynski流行的SF系列(包括短命的分拆,“十字军”),具有故事性味道的CCG值得关注。优势失去了华纳兄弟的权利,十字军是他们的最终扩张;该游戏是从1997年到2001年制作的,并且仍然受到许多粉丝网站的支持。“#10;”巴比伦5 CCG是为两到五名玩家(或更多,使用替代派别规则)。每个选手选择不同种族(纳尔,半人马,闵巴里,人力等),并控制这场比赛的大使。随着这个大使你将建立一个阵营,然后为你的阵营设定一个议程。通过实现“派系议程”和积累力量,您将领导您的比赛成为统治地位,赢得比赛。你可以从其他种族中招募盟友(角色卡),或者只想依靠你自己的人。你会用外交,阴谋或军事征服作为垫脚石的权力吗?你会根据自己的优点上升到主导地位吗,还是要寻求像阴影这样的老年人的帮助?如果你这样做,小心,可能有一个价格!明智地选择你的行动你的决定决定了银河的命运。

Based on J. Michael Straczynski's popular SF series (including the short-lived spin-off, "Crusade"), this CCG with a story-telling flavor deserves its fan following. Precedence lost the rights from Warner Brothers and Crusade was their final expansion set; the game was produced from 1997 until 2001 and is still supported by numerous fan web sites. The Babylon 5 CCG is for two to five players (or more, using the alternate faction rules). Each player chooses a different Race (Narn, Centauri, Minbari, Human, etc.) and is in control of the ambassador of this race. With this ambassador you will build a Faction, then set an Agenda for your Faction to pursue. By fulfilling your Faction's Agenda and accumulating Power, you will lead your race to a position of dominance and win the game. You may recruit allies (character cards) from among the other races, or try to rely only on your own people. Will you use diplomacy, intrigue or military conquest as your stepping stones to power? Will you rise to dominance on your own merits, or will you seek the aid of an elder race, like the Shadows? If you do, beware, for there may be a price! Choose your actions wisely Your decisions decide the fate of the Galaxy.