玩家评分: 7.7

Kingdom of Heaven: The Crusader States 1097-1291

桌游极客排名: 3686

本月排名变化: 30

玩家评分: 7.7

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 180 分钟

难度: 3.31 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.83



出版年份: 2012


| Multi-Man Publishing


| Scott de Brestian


| Nicolás Eskubi | Mark Mahaffey


|阿拉伯 |中世纪 |宗教 |战争

在1097年,成千上万的领主和骑士,士兵和营地追随者,朝圣者和先知向东方行进,以响应教皇的呼吁,负责将耶路撒冷和圣地恢复到基督教的控制。他们惊人的胜利导致了第一个海外欧洲殖民地的建立和中东穆斯林权力的重塑。他们的旅程的影响继续与我们今天在一起生活。在天国 - 十字军国家1097-1291(KOH)中,两名玩家使用卡片激活力量,触发随机事件,进行外交或起诉围攻从安提阿到开罗,从塞浦路斯到摩苏尔的广阔的竞技场。“九个方案涵盖了从一,二,三十年代到蒙古入侵的时代的所有主要运动,马姆卢克帝国的兴起。除了“基本甲板”,“每个场景都会添加不同的卡,表示该广告系列唯一的历史事件转弯是每年,大多数情况可以在3-4小时内完成。

历史上的情景让年龄最大的指挥官彼此相处:Nur ad-Din,Richard,Lionhearted,Saladin,Frederick巴巴罗莎,路易九世,胡勒古汗,百利等等。他们的范围从3轮第一远征学习场景到十字军国家徘徊的城墙上的七卦攻击。“天国 - 十字军国家1097-1291包含:

1 22x34“卡片地图

110“扑克质量”扑克牌528 5/8“计数器



天国之王 - 十字军国家1097-1291由由Neil Randall开发的Scott de Brestian设计,具有Niko Eskubi和Mark Mahaffey


In 1097, thousands of lords and knights, soldiers and camp-followers, pilgrims and prophets marched east in response to a Papal appeal, charged with the task of restoring Jerusalem and the Holy Land to Christian control. Their surprising victory led to the creation of the first overseas European colonies and the reshaping of Muslim power in the Middle East. The repercussions of their journey continue to live with us today. In Kingdom of Heaven - The Crusader States 1097-1291 (KOH) two players use cards to activate forces, trigger random events, conduct diplomacy or prosecute siege warfare on a vast arena stretching from Antioch to Cairo and from Cyprus to Mosul. Nine scenarios cover all the major campaigns of the era, from the First, Second and Third Crusades to the Mongol invasion and the rise of the Mamluk Empire. In addition to the ‘basic deck,’ each scenario adds different cards representing historical events unique to that campaign. Turns are yearly, and most scenarios can be finished in 3-4 hours. The historical scenarios pit the greatest commanders of the age against one another: Nur ad-Din, Richard the Lionhearted, Saladin, Frederick Barbarossa, Louis IX, Hulegu Khan, Baibars, and many others. They range in length from the 3-turn First Crusade learning scenario to the 7-turn assault of Baibars on the faltering ramparts of the Crusader States. Kingdom of Heaven - The Crusader States 1097-1291 contains: 1 22x34” cardstock map 110 “poker quality” playing cards 528 5/8” counters 24 page rule book 24 page scenario book Kingdom of Heaven - The Crusader States 1097-1291 was designed by Scott de Brestian, developed by Neil Randall, and features the art of Niko Eskubi and Mark Mahaffey (source: MMP website and user's description)