玩家评分: 6.4

Valley of the Mammoths

桌游极客排名: 3617

本月排名变化: 28

玩家评分: 6.4

玩家人数: 3 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 180 分钟

难度: 2.52 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.84


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 1991


| Descartes Editeur | Eurogames | Ludodélire


| Bruno Faidutti


| Bernard Bittler | Copik Buntz | Gérard Mathieu


|文明建设 |战斗 |史前

在饥饿的狼和野生的老虎虎逃跑的同时,你的部落穴居人能不能生存下去,更不用说征服疯狂的无情的谷?它会逃脱毛茸茸的犀牛和大型猛mamm象,只能减轻到轻拍;在他们的对手部落的重俱乐部下?在这些混乱的时代,人们必须为一切而战,敌人毫无怜悯,大自然处于暴动动乱的状态。“在猛In象谷中,你不仅必须与对手的部落(其他人) ),但也具有野性,荒谬,不可预测的性质。为了养活自己,你的部落将不得不投身于狩猎,聚会和钓鱼。他们甚至可能尝试通过发展农业来创新...但是一切都不是在山谷里和平的,反对的部落会试图狩猎你的野牛和猛mamm象,收集你的水果&根,钓鱼你的河流&湖泊,甚至偷你的女人!你必须打败他们,并保护你的食物供应...所有这一切,同时注意闷烧的火山 - 毕竟,一个从来不知道。


1989年国际交响乐协会的获奖者© ;


La Vallà e des Mammouths:L'extension

While fleeing from starving wolves and wild sabretooth tigers, will your tribe of cavemen manage to survive in, let alone conquer, the merciless Valley of the Mammoths? Will it escape the stampeding woolly rhinoceroses and the massive mammoths, only to be reduced to paté under the heavy clubs of their rival tribes? In these chaotic times, man must fight for everything, his adversaries are without pity, and nature herself is in a state of violent upheaval. In Valley of the Mammoths, you must contend not only with rival tribes (the other players) but also with wild, untamed, unpredictable nature. To feed themselves, your tribe will have to devote themselves to hunting, gathering and fishing. They may even attempt to innovate by developing agriculture... But all is not peaceful in the Valley, opposing tribes will attempt to hunt YOUR bison & mammoths, to gather YOUR fruits & roots, to fish YOUR rivers & lakes... and to even steal YOUR WOMEN! You will have to fight them off, and protect your food supply... all the while keeping a watchful eye on the smoldering volcanoes - after all, one never knows. Originally published only by Ludodelire in French. Re-published in both French and English with some updates 2001 by Descartes. A winner of the 1989 Concours International de Créateurs de Jeux de Société. Expanded by: La Vallée des Mammouths: L'extension