玩家评分: 6.5

Gambit Royale

桌游极客排名: 2803

本月排名变化: 12

玩家评分: 6.5

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 1.88 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.96


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2006


| Hans im Glück | LuPri | 999 Games


| Lutz Stepponat


| Julien Delval | Christof Tisch


|手牌管理 |元素收集

来自Spielbox的描述:Lutz Stepponat的Kabale und Hiebe(Cabals and Blows)是Citadels传统的快节奏的纸牌游戏。魔术师和龙,国王和公主填补了土地,只想到一件事:最伟大的名声。玩家试图用他们的皇室来为对手造成问题,并用手下的棋牌手法欺骗他们。在这个过程中,有动荡的发展和惊喜得到保证。

游戏总结#10;设置##洗牌#卡牌= 1-5VP,每个都有6个符号印在上面。交易6给每个玩家(面朝下堆叠);其余的都从游戏中删除。

- 每个玩家获得一堆影响力的卡。玩弄自己的画笔,并画出3张牌的手。

玩#10; - 每轮,玩家将他们的顶级进球卡放在桌子的中心#10 - 从随机开始玩家,玩卡,然后画一张卡片。#卡片在任何目标牌下的一列中被打下来。当你玩的时候,你可以翻过面上方的卡片并执行它的动作(如果有的话)。

- 继续轮流,直到所有的进球卡都具有至少与他们的VP值相同的牌。

结束 - 显示底部的所有面朝下的卡(但不执行他们的行动)。 - 雇佣兵,巫师,巫婆和王子/ Squires执行他们的行动。然后,每个进球卡都被授予下面影响最大的玩家(=他们的牌数的总和)。关系到列中最高的卡片的玩家。

结束游戏#10; - 玩6轮。

- 玩家得分VP等于: ...所有目标卡的值的总和赢得了“或”如果您有一组所有6个目标符号,将这6张卡(每个符号的最高VP)加倍,并将其加倍。然后,每个目标卡剩下1VP(忽略VP值)。 - 大多数VP胜。几个级别的断路器。

Gambit Royale, first released under the name Ruse & Bruise, is a fast-paced card game in the tradition of Citadels. Magicians and dragons, kings and princesses populate the land and want only one thing: the greatest fame. The players try to use their royal household to cause problems for their opponents and trick them with underhanded chess moves. In more detail, the game lasts six rounds, and at the start of each round, each player reveals a random goal card worth 1-5 victory points (VPs), each with one of six symbols printed on it. Each player has a deck of influence cards and starts with a hand of three cards. On a turn, a player plays a card face down in front of a goal card, then draws a replacement card; if a face-down card is already present at this goal, the player reveals in and executes the action on it, if any. As soon as all goals have as many cards below them as their VP value, the round ends. Reveal the face-down cards without executing their actions, then carry out the actions of any mercenaries, wizards, witches, and princes/squires in play. Whichever player then has the most influence on a goal (as determined by the values on their played cards) claims that goal, with ties being broken in favor of whichever tied player played on that goal first. After six rounds, players tally their goal cards to determine their final score; alternatively, if they have a set of six goal symbols, they can sum those six cards, double that value, then subtract 1 VP from that total for each goal card they have that's not part of that set. Whoever has the most points wins! The 2018 edition of Gambit Royale contains five more cards than the first edition of Ruse & Bruise.