玩家评分: 7.3

The Pillars of the Earth

桌游极客排名: 405

本月排名变化: 1

玩家评分: 7.3

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 90-120 分钟

难度: 2.81 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12

专业评分: 7.05


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2006


| KOSMOS | 999 Games | Albi


| Michael Rieneck | Stefan Stadler


| Michael Menzel | Anke Pohl | Thilo Rick


|经济 |中世纪 |小说题材 |宗教

Die Sä ulen der Erde /“地球之柱”是以肯·福利特(Ken Follett)畅销的小说和2006年Kosmos系列文学游戏为基础的。“十三世纪初,英国最伟大和最美丽的大教堂的建设开始了。玩家们是为这座大教堂的建筑贡献最多的建筑商,并在此取得最大的胜利。游戏大概包括使用工人生产原料,然后使用工匠将材料转化为胜利点。工人也可以用来生产黄金,游戏的货币。玩家每轮也可以获得三名大师,每一名都可以做各种任务,包括招聘更多的工人,买卖商品,或只是取得胜利。与主建筑商取得早期选择成本黄金,购买更好的工匠也是如此。玩家必须在赚取黄金之间取得平衡,为他们的购买提供资金并获得胜利。




Die Säulen der Erde / The Pillars of the Earth is based on the bestselling novel by Ken Follett and the 2006 game in the Kosmos line of literature-based games. At the beginning of the 13th century, construction of the greatest and most beautiful cathedral in England begins. Players are builders who try to contribute the most to this cathedral's construction and, in so doing, score the most victory points. Gameplay roughly consists of using workers to produce raw materials, and then using craftsmen to convert the materials into victory points. Workers may also be used to produce gold, the currency of the game. Players are also given three master builders each turn, each of which can do a variety of tasks, including recruiting more workers, buying or selling goods, or just obtaining victory points. Getting early choices with a master builder costs gold, as does purchasing better craftsmen. Players must strike a balance between earning gold to fund their purchases and earning victory points. Expanded by: The Pillars of the Earth Expansion Set (which include the Expansion Cards in some editions) The Pillars of the Earth: Expansion Cards (which are included in the Expansion Set in some editions)


44 x 68mm (1 11/16" x 2 5/8")