桌游极客排名: 1463
本月排名变化: 8
玩家评分: 6.6
玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)
时长: 30 分钟
难度: 2.01 (轻度策略)
适合年龄: 8+
专业评分: 6.36
西洋双陆棋是一个经典的抽象策略游戏,可追溯到数千年。每个玩家都有一组15个“男人”必须从他们的起始位置,周围,然后离开董事会。骰子每转一次,每个玩家必须根据滚动的结果决定他的哪个人要移动。玩家可以捕捉对方的男人,强迫被捕获的男人重新开始他们的旅程。获胜者是第一个让所有15名男子脱颖而出的球员。游戏中最近的一个补充是“倍数立方体”,它允许玩家提高游戏的赌注,因为它经常为钱而玩。虽然游戏依赖于骰子来确定运动,但是在决定如何对每个骰子滚动给出最有效的动作以及测量对手可能获得的可能滚动的风险方面存在很大程度的策略。 “西洋双陆棋”可能是史前首次提到的游戏,回溯到古代美索不达米亚的苏美尔人的五千年之久。在二十世纪二十年代,考古学家从Ur古镇的一个公墓出土了五块板。在另一个地方,还有棋盘和骰子。来自古埃及的董事会也从图坦卡蒙的坟墓中收回,包括一个机械骰子盒,毫无疑问打算阻止骗子。
这个游戏的名字很多。在波斯,Takhteh Nard>这意味着“在木上战斗”。在埃及,可能是Senat祖先的Tau。在罗马,Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum(“十二马克的游戏”),后来的Tabula(“桌子”)以及到六世纪的Alea(“骰子”)。在古代中国,T-shu-p-u和以后在日本,Sugoroko。英文名称可以源自“Bac gamen”意思是“返回游戏”,指的是将被采石块重新回到董事会。“上层阶级经常享受这一点,有时被称为”贵族游戏“。罗素皇帝克劳狄斯被认为是一个风扇,他有一套建在他的教练,所以他可以玩(旅行世界上第一个旅行版?)。
英语规则是标准化的在1743年由Edmond Hoyle。直到20世纪30年代的美国创新才有了这些。
Backgammon is a classic abstract strategy game dating back thousands of years. Each player has a set of 15 checkers (or stones) that must be moved from their starting positions, around, and then off the board. Dice are thrown each turn, and each player must decide which of their checkers to move based on the outcome of the roll. Players can capture each other's checkers, forcing the captured checkers to restart their journey around the board. The winner is the first player to get all 15 checkers off the board. A more recent addition to the game is the "doubling cube", which allows players to up the stakes of the game. Although the game relies on dice to determine movement, there is a large degree of strategy in deciding how to make the most effective moves given each dice roll and measuring the risk in terms of possible rolls the opponent may get. Backgammon may be the first game to be mentioned in written history, going back 5,000 years to the Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia. During the 1920s, archaeologists unearthed five boards from a cemetery in the ancient town of Ur. At another location, pieces and dice were also found along with the board. Boards from ancient Egypt have also been recovered from the tomb of Tutankhamun, including a mechanical dice box, no doubt intended to stop cheaters. The names of the game were many. In Persia, Takhteh Nard which means "Battle on Wood". In Egypt, Tau, which may be the ancestor of Senat. In Rome, Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum ("game of twelve marks"), later, Tabula ("table"), and by the sixth century, Alea ("dice"). In ancient China, T-shu-p-u and later in Japan, Sugoroko. The English name may derive from "Bac gamen" meaning "Back Game", referring to re-entry of taken stones back to the board. It was often enjoyed by the upper classes and is sometimes called "The Aristocratic Game." The Roman Emperor Claudius was known to be such a fan that he had a set built into his coach so he could play as he traveled (the world's first travel edition?). The rules in English were standardized in 1743 by Edmond Hoyle. These remained popular until the American innovations of the 1930s.