玩家评分: 7.1




桌游极客排名: 1808

本月排名变化: 16

玩家评分: 7.1

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 3.58 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 6.24



出版年份: 762


| (Public Domain) | Ancient Chess | Carlton Books


| (Uncredited)


| 暂缺





翔奇是世界上玩过的棋盘游戏之一。以“大象游戏”作为宽松翻译,在中国早期公元前4世纪,湘琦的名字可能首先被记录在楚歌中,在战国时期的齐齐,名称“祥启”意为象牙柳博,不是现代的湘i中国人。现代的湘崎集可以追溯到唐代,而且依靠古代的中国军事战略,湘琦比较了欧洲象棋,其实都是古印度游戏“在中国象棋通常称为“中国象棋”的“湘琦”在9线宽的电路板上播放32件(每位玩家16名), 10行长。在Go游戏中,游戏是在游戏板的交叉点上玩的。游戏区域由游戏中间的河流分为两个区域。在每个领域,都有一条3线3线宫殿,每位玩家各自的总将/元帅所在的地方。游戏的目标是捕捉对手的将军/元帅。“他们两边的碎片和他们的动作和特殊规则是:

1一般:1点正交宫内只有。不允许‘参见’敌方将军在一个开放的档案。 2顾问:宫内只有1点对角线。 2战车:任何距离正交。 2大炮:像一辆战车一样移动。要捕获,它必须首先跳过任何一种颜色的中间片。 2马:1点正交,然后一点对角线。 2大象/部长:对角线2点。不能越过河流。 5士兵:1分直接前进。一旦穿越河流,也可以移动1点。而#10;





班奇 - 游戏使用相同的片段

Giog - 游戏使用相同的部分

迷你香琪 - 小版本#10三国奇 - 三人版

齐国祥奇 - 七人版#10长吉 - 韩文版

XiangQi is one of the most played board games in the world. Translated loosely as "elephant game", the name of XiangQi may have first been recorded in Songs of Chu during the 4th century BC of early China; in the state of Qi during the Warring State Period, the name "XiangQi" meant ivory Liubo pieces, not modern XiangQi played by Chinese. The modern Xiangqi set dates back to the Tang dynasty. Based closely on ancient Chinese military strategy, XiangQi draws comparisons to European Chess, and indeed, both are descended from the ancient Indian game of Chaturanga. --- XiangQi, commonly referred to in English as "Chinese Chess", is played with 32 pieces (16 per player) on a board that is 9 lines wide and 10 lines long. As in the game of Go, the game is played on the intersections of the game board. The area of play is divided into two territories by a river in the middle of game board. In each territory there is a 3 line by 3 line palace, in which each player's respective General/Marshal is located. The object of the game is to capture the opponents's General/Marshal. The pieces on both sides and their movements & special rules are: 1 General: 1 Point orthogonally within the palace only. Not allowed to ‘see’ the enemy General on an open file. 2 Advisors: 1 point diagonally within the palace only. 2 Chariots: Any distance orthogonally. 2 Cannons: Moves like a Chariot. To capture, it must first leap over an intervening piece of either color. 2 Horses: 1 point orthogonally, then one point diagonally. 2 Elephants / Ministers: 2 points diagonally. Cannot cross the river. 5 Soldiers: 1 point straight forward. Once across the river, can also move 1 point sideways instead. Pieces capture as they move and never jump. The only exception (for both rules) apply to the cannon. --- The price of the game varies depending on the material used in the game. Inexpensive sets are usually made with plastic or low-grade wooden pieces and a paper gameboard. Expensive sets are usually made with jade or high-grade wooden pieces and a wooden gameboard. Variants Banqi - Game using same pieces Giog - Game using same pieces Mini Xiang Qi - Smaller version San Guo Qi - Three-player version Qi Guo Xiang Qi - Seven-player version Changgi - Korean version You can play Chinese Chess for free at http://www.xiangqi.com.