玩家评分: 7.4

1805: Sea of Glory

桌游极客排名: 4309

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 480 分钟

难度: 3.71 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.76


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2009


| GMT Games


| Phil Fry


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Mark Mahaffey


|哄骗 |拿破仑时期 |航海 |战争

春天,1805年拿破仑的Grande Armee’沿着英吉利海峡的岸边安营。按照亚历山大的教训,法国皇帝力图打败海军的力量。他不得不把他的20万军队放在英国土地上,法国的世袭敌人终于会下降。为了做到这一点,他的联合舰队必须控制海峡足够长的时间,数以百计的浅草船将他的部队渡过英国。皇帝海军的方式是皇家海军。在1805年,英国海军在特拉法加的胜利被打破,代表了拿破仑战争期间英格兰最黑暗的时期之一。她伟大的“木墙”为岛国提供唯一的防御,远远超过敌人。“#180; 1808:荣耀之海在这个关键的一年中,在运行层面上审视海军战争。虽然特拉法加曾经以历史为辉煌,但是成功的封锁敌方港口,使法国的船只踩到了英国的土地上。但1805年:荣耀之海不仅仅是一场关于封锁义务的游戏。这是一场爆发追求,欺骗和虚谎的游戏,肆意掠夺资源,打击你的敌人最小的嫌疑犯,并带来决定胜利或失败的决定性战斗。


游戏使用块代表战争之雾。发现和拦截你的敌人的能力是至关重要的。但是,那块地幔urry urry地看着埃及的法国舰队呢?还是让土伦中队向西转向加勒比?从法国的角度来看,布雷斯特海岸的封锁是否是一个舰队?还是让英国人回家修理和改装,只留几艘护卫舰来看港口?现在是打架的时刻了吗?或者是一个大的敌方力量刚刚在地平线上吗?


年龄的伟大的海军指挥官游戏也是。 Rosily-Mesros,Villeneuve,Ganteaume,Missiessy和Gravina为盟军舰队。 Cornwallis,Nelson,Calder,Collingwood和Strachan为英国人。每个海军上将被评定为逃脱或追求的能力,以及他在战斗中的战术头脑。特殊能力也包括:从康沃利斯作为管理员的技能,维伦纽夫的致命曲折,对格拉维纳的魅力,尼尔森的梦幻般的辉煌带来了“尼尔森·达芬奇”的“十二五”。 x 34“地图涵盖北大西洋从海峡沿海到非洲,地中海从直布罗陀海峡到埃及海岸。插入地图涵盖西印度群岛。每个十六进制代表50海里。大西洋运输轨道处理从欧洲到加勒比海航行的舰队和中队。显示了三个交战国的主要港口;每个都评估了港口设施及其对舰队的影响力。“天气”在游戏中也占有很大的份额。风暴和汹涌的气氛将打击台下的封锁力量,让盟军的玩家有机会逃跑。在海上,舰队和中队受到风的怜悯。真正的任何年龄的帆船游戏,舰队可能会在最坏的可能的时刻。地图上也注意到主要的风,导致了有趣的战略选择。学习预测和利用游戏天气系统的玩家将具有优势。飓风季节,小心在迎风或下风群岛海上被捕。

每艘船只的火力和士气。联盟的球员将会因为西班牙船只在战斗中早日罢工,而皇家海军坚定的杰克·塔斯(Jack Tars)似乎也不会动摇。但尽管英国人在海上有优势,但英国人并不是无敌的,一个精明的法国选手将会找到挫败敌人的方法。火力高,禁用英国人,以便你可以逃脱,或者站在船体上进行船体和交换广告?


Spring, 1805 Napoleon’s Grande Armee’ is encamped along the shores of the English Channel. Following the teachings of Alexander, the French Emperor seeks to defeat a naval power from the land. He has but to place his 200,000 troops on British soil and France’s hereditary enemy will finally fall. To do this, his combined fleet must control the Channel long enough for hundreds of shallow draft boats to ferry his troops to England. Standing in the Emperor’s way is the Royal Navy. The year 1805, which is punctuated by the British naval victory at Trafalgar, represents one of England’s darkest times during the Napoleonic Wars. Her great “wooden walls” offer the island nation its only defense against a far superior foe. 1805: Sea of Glory examines the naval war on an operational level during that pivotal year. Although Trafalgar shines through history as the beacon of victory, it is the successful blockade of enemy ports that kept French boats from stepping onto British soil. But 1805: Sea of Glory is more than just a game about blockade duty. It is a game of breakout and pursuit, deception and false leads, husbanding meager resources, striking a blow where your enemy least suspects, and bringing about the decisive battle that defines victory or defeat. 1805: Sea of Glory focuses on the operational actions of the three great navies. The Allied player (France & Spain) must constantly try to break out of numerous European ports and form a combined fleet. The British player must continuously worry about his ships on station, as wind and weather allow the enemy an opening to slip anchor and set sail. For when Napoleon’s fleets take flight, the British are hard pressed to cover all the potential targets and bring the enemy to bear. The British player will find that he never has enough frigates to watch all avenues of escape, and that a clever French player can keep him guessing and ultimately win this game of cat and mouse. The game uses blocks to represent the fog of war. The ability to spot and intercept your enemy is paramount. But is that block scurrying across the Mediterranean towards Egypt the French fleet? Or has the Toulon squadron turned west towards the Caribbean? From the French perspective, is the block off the coast of Brest a fleet? Or have the British returned home to repair and refit, leaving only a few frigates to watch the port? Is now the moment to sortie? Or does a large enemy force lay just over the horizon? While blocks represent fleets, squadrons, and scouting frigates, traditional counters represent the individual ships of the line. Every ship that could have seen duty, from lowly 64 gunners to the massive Santissima Trinidad, is present. Individual ships are kept on off map organizational charts, so that the exact composition of a fleet or squadron block is not known to your opponent until interception takes place. The great naval commanders of the age are present in the game as well. Rosily-Mesros, Villeneuve, Ganteaume, Missiessy, and Gravina for the Allied fleets. Cornwallis, Nelson, Calder, Collingwood, and Strachan for the British. Each admiral is rated for his ability to escape or pursue, as well as, his tactical acumen in combat. Special abilities are also included: from Cornwallis’ skill as an administrator, to Villeneuve’s fatalistic bent, to Gravina’s charisma, to Nelson’s visionary brilliance brought to life as the “Nelson Touch”. The 22” x 34” map covers the North Atlantic from the Channel Coast to Africa, and the Mediterranean from the Straits of Gibraltar to Egyptian shores. An insert map covers the West Indies. Each hex represents 50 nautical miles. An Atlantic transit track handles fleets and squadrons sailing from Europe to the Caribbean and back. The major ports of the three belligerents are shown; each rated for harbor facilities and their effect on a fleet’s ability to sortie. Weather also plays a huge part in the game. Storms and squalls will blow blockading forces off station, allowing the Allied player the opportunity to escape. While at sea, fleets and squadrons are at the mercy of the wind. True to any age of sail game, fleets may become becalmed at the worst possible moment. Prevailing winds are also noted on the map, resulting in interesting strategic options. A player that learns to anticipate and utilize the game’s weather system will have the advantage. Beware being caught at sea in the Windward or Leeward Islands during hurricane season. Each individual ship is rated for its firepower and morale. The Allied player will cringe as his Spanish ships strike their colors early in a battle, while the steadfast Jack Tars of the Royal Navy will never seem to falter. But despite their superiority at sea, the British are not invincible, and a shrewd French player will find ways to thwart his enemy. Fire high and disable the British so that you can slip away, or stand hull to hull and exchange broadsides? A unique tactical combat system rewards fleets that seize the weather gauge. Each player has a selection of tactics chits which represent flag signals sent to his ships during battle. Choose the right combination of maneuver and sail settings to break the enemy line. Take the leeward position and attempt to escape before the windward fleet can close. Or from the leeward, turn and fight, creating a gauntlet of fire an overly aggressive enemy must endure. A Trafalgar sized battle can be fought out in less than 15 minutes. Although the game ends immediately in a French victory if the Allied fleet ever controls the English Channel, there is also a set of variable victory conditions. The British Admiralty must watch out for French invasions of Egypt, Malta, Naples, Ireland, or West Indies islands. The British player will quickly learn that he never has enough ships to cover every potential threat. A series of random events rounds out the simulation. Napoleon’s meddling, British manpower shortages, West Indies fever, Spanish drafts, favorable winds, and Royalist spies are among some of the events that will hinder or help players achieve victory.