玩家评分: 7.9

Pursuit of Glory

桌游极客排名: 2605

本月排名变化: 19

玩家评分: 7.9

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 360 分钟

难度: 3.91 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 14+

专业评分: 6.00



出版年份: 2008


| GMT Games


| Brad Stock | Brian Stock


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Mark Simonitch


|阿拉伯 |战争 |一战

(从格林尼治标准时间网站:)追求荣耀:近东大战是获奖路径荣耀的续集。这个游戏让你在第一次世界大战期间在英国/俄罗斯联盟或奥斯曼帝国的司机座位上。加利波利,圣战,叛变和俄罗斯革命等待着。走在诸如丘吉尔,阿拉伯劳伦斯,恩弗尔和法尔肯奈恩等人的鞋子里。这个行动从印度延伸到巴尔干半岛,从黑海到苏伊士。德国人能否激起波斯起义或与阿富汗建立联盟呢?俄罗斯人能捕捉温水港吗?英国可以保卫燃油皇家海军的石油吗?土耳其人可以捕捉苏伊士运河,并在埃及发动反叛吗?在荣耀追求中,你将不断地感受到你在剃刀的边缘 - 即将来临的厄运或突破,总共胜利。您的7张卡片给您带来了丰富的战略和运营机会。您必须决定是否使用每张卡作为其历史事件,命令点或资源。然后,你必须承诺你的力量有各种各样的目标:高加索人的土耳其 - 俄罗斯边界,中立波斯的侵略,富含石油的美索不达米亚,苏伊士运河,巴尔干半岛及其重要的铁路。你必须判断入侵塞尔维亚是否正确或发动新的海军入侵(也许在加利波利的插图上)。














设计师:Brad Stock& Brian Stock&#10开发商:Tony Curtis& Neil Randall




&#10由Brad和Brian Stock开发,得到了原始Paths of Glory设计师Ted Raicer的许可。

Pursuit of Glory: The Great War in the Near East is a sequel to the award-winning Paths of Glory. This game puts you in the driver's seat of the British/Russian alliance or the Ottoman Empire during World War One. Gallipoli, holy war, mutiny, and the Russian Revolution await. Walk in the shoes of men such as Churchill, Lawrence of Arabia, Enver, and Falkenhayn. The action stretches from India to the Balkans, from the Black Sea to Suez. Can the Germans inspire a Persian uprising or forge an alliance with Afghanistan? Can the Russians capture a warm water port? Can the British guard the oil that fuels the Royal Navy? Can the Turks capture the Suez Canal and spark a revolt in Egypt? In Pursuit of Glory, your hand of 7 cards presents you with an array of strategic and operational opportunities. You must decide whether to use each card for its historic event, command points, or resources. You must then commit your forces to a variety of objectives: the Turkish-Russian frontier in Caucasia, the violation of neutral Persia, oil-rich Mesopotamia, the Suez Canal, the Balkans and its vital railroads. You must judge when it is right to invade Serbia or launch a new naval invasion (perhaps on the inset map representing Gallipoli). As the British, you must hold on while your Russian allies break through the Turkish lines in Caucasia and you bring your forces to bear through invasion and a gradual build-up of imperial might. As the Turks, your objective is to gain complete victory early, uniting your strength with Germany and crippling the British Empire in Egypt and India or to persevere. (from GMT website) Pursuit of Glory is a stand alone sequel to Paths of Glory, a card-driven strategy game covering the first World War. Unlike the original game, which focused on the European theater of World War I, Pursuit of Glory focuses entirely on the Great War in the Middle East. Pursuit of Glory uses the same card-driven mechanics and point-to-point of the first game, but with some rules changes and modifications to better simulate the conditions of the war in the Middle East. It was developed by Brad and Brian Stock with the permission of Ted Raicer, the designer of the original Paths of Glory. (BGG description) Game Features TIME SCALE Approx. 1 year per hand of cards MAP SCALE Point-to-Point NUMBER OF PLAYERS One or Two DESIGNER: Brad Stock & Brian Stock DEVELOPER: Tony Curtis & Neil Randall MAP, CARD, & COUNTER ART: Mark Simonitch