The Black Magick Murder


本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家人数: 8 - 24 (最佳: 1人)

时长: - - 分钟

难度: 0 (毛线)

适合年龄: 18+






| The Butler Didn't Do It!


| (Uncredited)


| 暂缺


|推理 |恐怖 |谋杀/疑案




Double, double, smell triple trouble; When "Sisters Three" conjure cauldrons to bubble. Eye of native newt and song of lunar frog; Sisters see the fallen star that lights the sacred bog. The place ~ Salem, Massachusetts The year ~ 1693 The victim ~ Aurora Nightstorm, accused and convicted of practicing The Craft ! Just hours before Aurora Nightstorm would have been brought to the Town Square Gallows for execution.....someone had beaten the hangman to the punch. It seems that Aurora's lifeless body was found on the cold, dirt floor of her cell in the Salem Prison for Wicked Women. The letter "A" had been hastily sewn to the bodice of her dress and a black candle was found in her left hand. Aurora's lips had been stitched closed, coins had been placed on her eyelids and a hazelnut was found in each ear. So what happened? Many of the townspeople had been witness to strange and uncanny happenings around and about the Nightstorm cottage. Some say that Aurora could take down a huge oak, chop it into firewood and stack it at her back door....with just the twitch of her nose. Others testify to have seen Aurora levitate to the top of her roof to rescue her curious, black feline....her faithful companion, "Wee Gee".....and children claim to have seen Aurora fly through the sky chasing vampire bats. Therefore, it should be of no surprise that Governor Giles Bickford was presented with a petition for her arrest. The document had been signed by every man, woman and child in Salem. Hence, the Governor had no alternative but to bring charges of "Witchcraft" against Aurora Nightstorm. The trial was swift, the outcome, evident. Aurora was to swing from the gallows until dead. But sometime during the pre-dawn hours someone paid Aurora a "final visit". Alas, the townspeople will witness no vengeance against Aurora, their proclaimed, evil one. Who was it that dared enter her cell? Who had reason to preempt the hangman?....and why?? To resolve this mystery one must be ready to venture back to the days of witch-hunts and sorcery. So, gather those black capes and broomsticks and come join the "Sisters Three" – Haggatha, Tabitha and Elain; the Village Virgin, the Ghost of Lady Bickford, Evil Omen and the Reverend Smiley to name a few.