The Reading of the Will


本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家人数: 6 - 8 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 240 分钟

难度: 0 (毛线)

适合年龄: 18+






| Murder Mystery Games Ltd


| (Uncredited)


| (Uncredited)


|谋杀/疑案 |聚会


|角色扮演 |讲故事


From the Publisher's web site: The Duke of Felthorpe has suffered a tragic accident while locked in his bathroom. Was his death as innocent as it seems? And will his last will and testament remain unchallenged? The Reading of the Will is a ‘sealed room’ murder mystery. When the Duke of Felthorpe is found dead in his bath, everything suggests that his death was accidental. The room was locked from the inside and, to gain entry, the door had to be broken down. So surely no one could have got in there and killed him! Everyone taking part plays a character who is here for the reading of the duke’s Last Will and Testament. The contents of the will are a surprise to almost all of them. So why did the duke make these last-minute changes? Was he being blackmailed? Was he mad? Should this will be thrown out – and replaced with an earlier one? The murder mystery usually takes place during a meal. Fresh clues are introduced as the plot gradually unravels and evidence of murder emerges. One of the characters is the duke’s butler – did he do it? Or was it the duke’s maid? His idiot son? His idiot son’s scheming wife? By the time all is revealed, everyone will have had a great time playing their parts, working out whodunnit and trying to prevent other people accusing them. Who is the Reading of the Will suitable for? Almost anyone! No acting experience is needed to enjoy it and no one will be expected to do anything that will make them feel awkward. Although some of the characters behave badly, we don’t believe the plot contains anything that would cause particular offense. But, because those under the age of 14 may have trouble understanding several matters referred to in the plot, we recommend it as suitable for those aged 14 and above.