玩家评分: 7.4

StarCraft: The Board Game

桌游极客排名: 606

本月排名变化: 2

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 180-240 分钟

难度: 3.85 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12

专业评分: 6.87



出版年份: 2007


| Fantasy Flight Games | Edge Entertainment | Heidelberger Spieleverlag


| Corey Konieczka | Christian T. Petersen


| Kevin Childress | Andrew Navaro | Scott Nicely




在星际争霸:棋盘游戏,玩家在相互联系的行星的动态板上争夺银河统治。行星设置已经是游戏的一部分 - 每个玩家都有两个行星放置,并将其基础放在其中一个。行星与直线和“Z轴”连接。连接在安装期间放置,但有时可以稍后在游戏过程中进行修改,并且只能在行星和通过这些连接(通过专用的传输)进行移动。

每个玩家控制六分之一的阵容,属于三人中的一个人 - 人类,虫族和神族。每个派别都有独特的胜利条件,但所有派别也可以通过控制某些行星的特殊领域获得的胜利点赢得胜利。玩家可以从他们控制的行星区域收集的资源构建单位和基础升级,并通过升级获得更多的单位类型。

每一轮都被细分为第一个规划阶段,然后是执行阶段,最后是重组阶段(用于清理)。在规划阶段,玩家轮流在每个行星上轮换一堆订单令牌,随后的订单阻碍了放置在他们之前的订单。这允许玩家自己组合,也可以阻止其他玩家的计划。在执行阶段,玩家再次轮流,当玩家轮到时,他可以在任何堆栈之上选择一个他的订单令牌,并执行一个 - 如果他们的所有订单都被阻止,他们跳过他们的动作并绘制事件卡代替。在所有玩家执行所有订单之前,执行阶段尚未结束。可能的订单是Build(用于建造单位和建筑物),Mobilize(用于移动单位和攻击敌人)和Research(见下文),订单始终可以是标准订单或特殊订单,特殊订单具有先决条件但更强效果。玩家还可以研究新技术,从而改进他们的作战甲板,成为最近甲板建造机制的前身。每个玩家在游戏开始时都有一个独特的战斗甲板,当他们研究新技术时,匹配的卡片会被添加到该牌桌。这允许玩家自定义他们将要画什么牌;当甲板的最后一张卡片被拉出时,甲板被重新洗牌。大部分卡片一旦研究就停留在战斗甲板上,尽管一些研究的技术增加了总是发挥作用的效果,而一些特别强的作战卡片在一次使用后被丢弃。“#10;”Reimplements“



Publisher blurb Including a total of 180 plastic figures and dozens of unit types, Starcraft: The Board Game features an innovative modular board of varying sizes, which guarantees a new experience each and every game. An exciting card driven combat system allows players to modify and upgrade their faction with a wealth of powerful technologies. Players can unleash a Zergling rush, use powerful Protoss shields to halt an enemy invasion, or even send cloaked Ghosts out to guide nuclear missiles to their target. Description In StarCraft: The Board Game, players battle for galactic domination on a dynamic board of interconnected planets. Planetary setup is already part of the game - every player gets two planets to place, and will place their starting base on one of them. Planets are connected with direct and "Z-Axis" connections that are placed during setup, but can sometimes later be modified during the game, and movement is only possible within planets and through those connections (by means of purpose-built transports). Each player controls a faction out of six, that belongs to one race out of three - Humans, Zerg, and Protoss. Each faction has a unique special victory condition, but all factions can also win through victory points that are gained by controlling special areas on some of the planets. Players build units and base upgrades with the resources they gather from the planetary areas that they control, and gain access to additional unit types through those upgrades. Each turn is subdivided into first a planning phase, then an execution phase, and finally a regrouping phase (used for cleanup). In the planning phase, players take turns playing a number of order tokens into stacks on each planet, with orders placed later obstructing the ones that were placed before them. This allows players to set up combos of their own, but also to obstruct plans of other players. In the execution phase then, players take turns again, and when a player's turn comes up he can choose one of his order tokens on top of any stack and execute that one - if all of their orders are obstructed, they skip their action and draw an event card instead. The execution phase isn't over until all players executed all of their orders. Possible orders are Build (used for building both units and buildings), Mobilize (used for moving units and attacking enemies) and Research (see below), and orders can always be Standard Orders or Special Orders, with the special orders having prerequisites but stronger effects. Players can also research new technologies and thus improve their combat deck in a precursor to more recent deck building mechanisms. Each player is given a combat deck unique for their race at the start of the game, and when they research new technologies then matching cards are added to that deck. This allows the players to customize what cards they will draw; when the last card of the deck is drawn, the deck is reshuffled. Most cards remain in the combat deck once researched, though some researched technologies add effects that are always in play, while some particularly strong combat cards are discarded after one use. "Reimplements" StarCraft (video game)