玩家评分: 7.1

Ingenious: Travel Edition

桌游极客排名: 1629

本月排名变化: 11

玩家评分: 7.1

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 1.85 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.30



出版年份: 2006


| Bard Centrum Gier | Devir | Fantasy Flight Games


| Reiner Knizia


| Michaela Kienle



它是Einfach Genial / Ingenious在一个双人游戏版本。

游戏是在六板上播放。 57个同样大小的部分,每个由两个连接的十六进制组成。每个十六进制上有符号组成(有时是相同的符号)。这些作品在游戏中随机绘制。每个玩家都会收到六块棋子来开始游戏,这些棋子被放置在一个机架上,并且只能看到他们。“游戏的目标是通过聪明的位置获得不同符号颜色的点。通过将片放置在任何开放空间中,使得其上的符号位于具有相同符号的已经放置的片段旁边而被要求。所以,例如,如果玩家放置一个带有紫色圆圈的部分,就可以将它放在板上已经有四条紫色圆圈的一条不间断的线上,然后玩家得分四个紫色点。一个新放置的符号可以位于最多五个单独符号行的旁边。





Einfach Genial - Reiseedition是Kosmos双人系列的一部分&# 10;

It's Einfach Genial/Ingenious in a 2-player travel version. The game is played on a hex board. 57 equally sized pieces, each consisting of two joined hexes come with the game. There are symbols on each hex that makes up the piece (sometimes identical symbols). The pieces are drawn randomly in the game. Each player receives six pieces to start the game, which are placed onto a rack and visible to them alone. The goal of the game is, through clever placement, to obtain points in the different symbol colours. Points are claimed by placing a piece into any open space such that the symbols on it lie next to already-placed pieces with the same symbol. So, for example, if a player places a piece with a purple circle on it such that it sits next to an unbroken line of four other purple circles already on the board, then the player scores four purple points. A newly placed symbol can lie next to at most five individual rows of symbols. Each player uses a scoring track to keep track of his points – one track for each colour going from 0 to 18. If a player reaches the 18th space with any colour, then he gets to call out “Genial!” and take another turn. At the end of their turn, players draw as many tiles out of the bag as required to bring their rack back up to six. The game ends when no more tiles can be placed onto the board. Now each player looks to see how many points they scored in the colour they scored the least in. Whoever has the most points in their least-scored colour is the winner. In the full game, there are 5 of each double and 6 of each pair of colors, the travel edition has 2 of each double and 3 of each pair. Einfach Genial - Reiseedition is part of the Kosmos two-player series.