玩家评分: 6.7



Royal Visit

桌游极客排名: 2229

本月排名变化: 8

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 20-30 分钟

难度: 1.67 (毛线)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.08



出版年份: 2006


| 勃艮地(中文)


| Reiner Knizia


| Taira Akitsu | Karl James Mountford | Claus Stephan


|手牌管理 |追踪行动 |拔河

来自多产的Reiner Knizia的两个不寻常的,复杂的,紧密平衡的棋盘游戏。原始标题“Auf der Reeperbahn ...”暗示了一个流行的德国电影从1954年。

在17空间轨道的中心附近启动了六个游戏数字,玩家竞争吸引到董事会的另一端。你可以根据自己的喜好在同一种颜色上玩同一种颜色的卡片,而且大部分动作都是卡片播放的直接结果:例如,通过播放红色4,您将红色的图形(“Rote Lola”或“跳舞Deb“)4个空间更接近董事会的结尾。然而,有一些特殊的技巧和限制,必须在游戏开始出现之前牢记在心。例如,如果游戏结束于她的一半,中间的绿色人物(“Brilli-Lilli”或“Saucy Sue”)可以赢得,只能在她的“保镖”的范围内移动, "两个灰色的数字。黄色人物(“金发汉斯”或“英俊的哈尔”)可以在没有发挥卡的好处的情况下传唤这三个图形中的任何一个到他的正方形。如果您将其带入董事会(您的“夜总会”)的两个空格之一,那么也可以赢得比赛的伴侣绿色人物(“Schampus-Charly”或“Champagne Charlie”)只能移动如果在你回合结束时的董事会情况涉及你的一半董事会上的保镖和/或你夜总会的其他人物之一,那么你就会面对你。等等。

这个游戏是Kosmos双人系列赛的一部分,是攻击和反击,防守和前瞻性思维之一,可以提前或最后一张牌的转牌第二次穿过甲板。 10-15分钟后,马上要再次打球。

An unusual, complex, yet tightly balanced board/card game for two from the prolific Reiner Knizia. The original title, "Auf der Reeperbahn...," alludes to a popular German movie from 1954. Near the center of a 17-space track start the six game figures which the players compete to attract to their opposite ends of the board. You play as many cards of the same color on your turn as you wish, and much of the movement is a direct result of card play: e.g., by playing a red 4 you bring the red figure ("Rote Lola" or "Dancing Deb") 4 spaces closer to your end of the board. However, there are special tricks and restrictions which must be learned and held firmly in mind before the sense of the game begins to emerge. The central green figure ("Brilli-Lilli" or "Saucy Sue") which wins for you if the game ends with her on your half of the board, for example, can only move within the bounds of her "bodyguards," two grey figures. The yellow figure ("Blonde Hans" or "Handsome Hal") can summon, without benefit of a card played, any of these three figures to his square. The companion green figure ("Schampus-Charly" or "Champagne Charlie") which can also win the game if you get him into one of the two spaces at your end of the board (your "nightclub"), only moves toward you if the board situation at the end of your turn involves both bodyguards on your half of the board and/or one (or more) of the other figures in your nightclub. And so on. The game, part of the Kosmos two-player series, is one of attack and counterattack, defense and forward thinking, and can be won early or on the turn of the last card on the second time through the deck. At 10-20 minutes, it begs to be played again immediately.