玩家评分: 6.8

Cleopatra and the Society of Architects

桌游极客排名: 1217

本月排名变化: 7

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 3 - 5 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 2.28 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.47



出版年份: 2006


| Days of Wonder | Edge Entertainment | KDS Distribuzione (Italy)


| Bruno Cathala | Ludovic Maublanc


| Cyrille Daujean | Julien Delval



由Bruno Cathala和Ludovic Maublanc设计,Cleopatra和建筑师协会是一个有趣和有吸引力的家庭游戏,包括一个真正的三维宫殿,玩家可以竞争构建。玩家们通过构建她宫殿中最壮丽和最有价值的部分,努力成为克娄巴ra族建筑师中最富有的人。“然而,玩家将被诱惑来处理阴暗角色,交易不可思议的材料以帮助他们构建更快。虽然这些腐败行为可能会使建筑师在其他方面保持领先优势,但它们的价格高昂,诅咒腐败护身符尊敬Sobek,鳄鱼神。当克利奥帕特拉终于走进她的新宫殿时,在比赛结束时,最腐败的建筑师(最具护身符的建筑师)将被抓获并作为牺牲献给她的神圣鳄鱼!只有这样,那些还活着的最富有的建筑师才会被选中并宣布成为游戏的赢家。“#####”#“#”#“”“克利奥帕特拉的组件设计是迄今为止最具创新力的” ; Days of Wonder首席执行官Eric Hautemont表示。 “虽然它仍然是一个棋盘游戏,数十个3D片–柱墙,门框,方尖碑,狮身人面像和宫殿王位–所有这些都创造出你重建皇家宫殿的感觉。“游戏玩法真的迫使玩家不断地衡量风险和奖励之间采取足够的腐败,以提高你在游戏中的地位,但不是那么多,所以你被迫离开了比赛结束,“该游戏的联合设计师布鲁诺·卡塔拉(Bruno Cathala)说。 “这是一个经典的‘推你的运气’在游戏达到高潮之前,不断提高紧张水平的困境。“#


Designed by Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc, Cleopatra and the Society of Architects is a fun and engaging family game that includes a true, three-dimensional palace that players compete to build. Players strive to become the wealthiest of Cleopatra’s architects by constructing the most magnificent and valuable parts of her palace. Players, however, will be tempted to deal with shady characters and trade in materials of dubious origins in order to help them build faster. While these corrupt practices might allow an architect to stay a step ahead of the rest, they come with a high price – cursed Corruption Amulets honoring Sobek, the Crocodile-god. When Cleopatra finally strolls into her new palace, at the end of the game, the most corrupt architect (the one with the most amulets) will be seized and offered as a sacrifice to her sacred crocodile! Only then will the wealthiest architect, from among those still alive, be selected and declared the winner of the game. “The component design in Cleopatra is the most innovative we’ve undertaken to date,” said Days of Wonder CEO, Eric Hautemont. “While it’s still a board game, the dozens of 3D pieces – Column walls, Doorframes, Obelisks, Sphinxes, and Palace Throne – all create the sense that you’re constructing a royal palace.” “The game play really forces players into continually weighing the risks and rewards between taking enough corruption to enhance your position in the game, but not so much that you are forced out of the game at the end,” said the game’s co-designer, Bruno Cathala. “It’s a classic ‘push your luck’ dilemma that continually raises the tension level higher and higher until the game reaches its climax.” Description from the publisher.

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