玩家评分: 7



Blue Moon City

桌游极客排名: 815

本月排名变化: 7

玩家评分: 7

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 30-50 分钟

难度: 2.29 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 14

专业评分: 6.72



出版年份: 2006


| CMON Global Limited | KOSMOS | Brain Games


| Reiner Knizia


| Daren Bader | Scott Fischer | Nicolas Fructus


|城市建设 |梦幻

蓝月亮城市 - 棋盘游戏 - 拾起两人游戏(蓝月亮)结束的地方:重建被毁坏的蓝月亮城市。由Franz Vohwinkel以及许多着名的美国幻想艺术家介绍的董事会由21个大型建筑砖组成,其中一面展示建筑计划,另一侧显示重建荣耀的建筑物。如在2人游戏中,游戏中包括3只大型模塑龙。“游戏开始时,板瓦都显示了他们的建筑平面。游戏的目标是使用蓝月亮的卡片来帮助重建城市,最后,把大方石碑的水晶放在城市的中间。每当建筑物完全重建,它的瓷砖就被转回到重建的一面。帮助建筑物的玩家获得晶体和龙的喜好,在某些时候可以交易晶体。

首先通过向方尖碑支付晶体来添加所需数量的标记的玩家赢得比赛。 (四人游戏中的四个标记,三人游戏中的五个标记,两人游戏中的六个标记)

这个游戏有两个迷你扩展(蓝月亮城市:扩展拼图集1和2),每个由两个瓦片组成,可以单独或组合添加到主游戏中。 Der Knizia Almanach包括了第一个迷你扩展。第二个小型扩展被包括在Spielbox的6/06版本中。

原始Knizia设计 - 经过龙鳞评分,所有玩家放弃秤。此规则由发布商修改。

Blue Moon City - the board game - picks up where the two-player game, (Blue Moon), ended: the reconstruction of the destroyed city of Blue Moon. The board, illustrated by Franz Vohwinkel as well as many well-known American fantasy artists, consists of 21 large building tiles, which show building plans on one side and the buildings in their reconstructed glory on the other. As in the 2-player game, the game includes 3 large molded plastic dragons. At the start of the game, the board tiles all show their building plan sides. The object of the game is to use cards featuring the races of Blue Moon to help rebuild the city and, at the end, put the large Crystal of the Obelisk in the middle of the city back together. Whenever a building is completely rebuilt, its tile is turned back over to its rebuilt side. The players who helped with a building get crystals and dragon favors, which can be traded in for crystals at certain times. The player who first manages to add the required number of markers by paying crystals to the Obelisk wins the game. (four markers in a 4-player game, five markers in a 3-player game, and six markers in a 2-player game) There are two mini-expansions for this game (Blue Moon City: Expansion Tile Sets 1 & 2), each consisting of two tiles that can be added to the main game either separately or combined. The first mini-expansion was included with the Der Knizia Almanach. The second mini-expansion was included in the 6/06 issue of Spielbox. Rules changes Original Knizia design--after dragon scales score, ALL players discard scales. This rule was modified by the publisher. [citation needed] In original printings such as Kosmos and FFG for 4-3-2 players the game uses 15-12-9 dragon scales. In later edtions new publisher CMON changed this to 12-9-7 scales.


59 x 92mm (2 5/16" x 3 9/16")