玩家评分: 6.6

Deckscape: Test Time

桌游极客排名: 2001

本月排名变化: 13

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 1 - 6 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 30-90 分钟

难度: 1.59 (毛线)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.15



出版年份: 2017


| Planplay(尚未发行)(中文)


| Martino Chiacchiera | Silvano Sorrentino


| Alberto Bontempi


|卡牌游戏 |拼图 |实时


|合作 |过牌库 |实时

来自发布者的描述:“Deckscape:Test Time”是一系列合作游戏中的第一个标题,这些合作游戏的灵感来自真实的逃生房间,其中一群人被“困住”在一个充满拼图和奇怪物品的房间里面。游戏的目标是解决难题,理解故事的情节,并且智能地使用所提供的项目,以便尽可能快地离开房间。“###Deckscape:测试时间,您已经从Thyme博士最杰出的学生中选择了一个特殊项目。他会测试你的技能,如果你成功了,你将得到一个独特的机会,帮助他发挥最新,最伟大的发明。在他解释他的项目的时候,他分心地按下了一个按钮:一声警报响了起来,重重的光栅关上了所有的窗户和出口门。实验室被锁定了! Doc Thyme从他脚下的活板门落下,灯熄灭。你能通过Thyme医生的考试并退出他的实验室吗?只用六十张牌,你就可以参加一个繁忙的冒险,而不用离开家。

Deckscape: Test Time is the first title in a series of cooperative games inspired by real escape rooms in which a group of people are "trapped" inside a room full of puzzles and odd items. The goal of the game is to solve puzzles, understand the plot of the story, and make intelligent use of the items provided in order to exit from the room as quickly as possible. In Deckscape: Test Time, you have been selected from Doctor Thyme's most brilliant students for a special project. He'll test your skills, and if you succeed, you'll get a unique chance to help him on his newest and greatest invention. While he's explaining his project, he distractedly pushes a button: an alarm cries loudly and heavy gratings shut all the windows and the exit door. The laboratory is locked! Doc Thyme falls through a trapdoor below his feet and the lights turn off. Will you be able to pass Doctor Thyme's exam and exit his laboratory? Using just sixty cards, you will take part in a hectic adventure, without leaving home. —description from the publisher