玩家评分: 7.3




桌游极客排名: 417

本月排名变化: 4

玩家评分: 7.3

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 6人)

时长: 20-40 分钟

难度: 1.72 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10

专业评分: 7.04



出版年份: 2017


| 玩乐小子(中文)


| Rob Daviau | Justin D. Jacobson | Wolfgang Kramer


| Tavis Coburn | Michael Crampton | Jason Taylor


|竞速 |体育


下载力量是基于Top Race的2-6名玩家的卡牌竞标,赛车和投注游戏,这是传奇的Wolfgang Kramer获奖的设计。玩家首先在比赛中拥有六辆车,然后从他们手中玩牌,以加速他们在赛道周围。然而,大多数牌也会移动对手的车。所以弄清楚正确的时间打卡是胜利的关键。一路上,玩家会对他们认为会赢得比赛的人进行秘密投注。谁赢得了最多的钱,赢得投注和剩下的银行胜利。这是一款游戏,其设计不需要注意。多年的游戏和多个版本已经磨练到接近完美。相反,其中一个设计挑战就是确定许多规则模块中的哪一个要合并到一起,以创建最有趣的版本。 Downforce还增加了可变玩家的力量来改善可重播性。但是大多数情况下,它改善了游戏的外观,使其变得华丽和容易。特别注意颜色,卡的布局,车的设计,板上的细节等等。

High-stakes bidding on million-dollar race cars. Frantic bets placed in secret even as the cars race around the track. And to the victor, the biggest purse of all. But in the world of motor racing, the margin between victory and defeat can be a single moment: a steep banked turn, tires screaming and spitting out smoke, and the downforce, pressing you down in your seat and keeping you on the track as you make your move inside to pull ahead. Downforce is a card-driven bidding, racing, and betting game for 2-6 players based on Top Race, the award-winning design by the legendary Wolfgang Kramer. Players first bid to own the six cars in the race, then they play cards from their hand to speed them around the track. However, most cards will also move their opponents' cars. So figuring out just the right time to play a card is the key to victory. Along the way, players make secret bets on who they think will win the race. Whoever has the most money from their prize money, winning bets, and remaining bank wins. This is a game whose design needed no attention. Years of play and multiple versions have honed it to near perfection. On the contrary, one of the design challenges was figuring which of the many rules modules to incorporate to create the most fun version. Downforce also adds variable player powers to improve replayability. But mostly, it improves the look of the game to make it gorgeous and easy to play. Special attention was paid to the colors, the layout of the cards, the design of the cars, the details on the board, and more.