玩家评分: 7.4

Ticket to Ride: Märklin

桌游极客排名: 423

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 30-60 分钟

难度: 2.24 (轻度策略)


专业评分: 7.03



出版年份: 2006


| Days of Wonder


| Alan R. Moon


| Cyrille Daujean | Julien Delval


|火车 |交通

乘坐机票:Mä rklin是“天之梦”畅销车票系列的第三部分。 M&auml的董事会; rklin基于德国地图,甲板上的每张个人卡片描绘了不同的Mä rklin火车模型。 DVD播放器引入了Mä rklin系列的模型列车包括[编辑:DVD不再包含在最近的运行中。]

Mä rklin是TTR系列中较重的版本,允许玩家不仅从城市到城市,还从城市到国家。还引入了一个新的技工,其形式是乘客和商品令牌。当游戏设置时,一系列值得胜利的商品价值被置于提名城市。当一个城市内存在多个令牌时,这些令牌的价值就会减少,要求玩家快速移动以捕获更高价值的令牌。


Ticket to Ride: Märklin is the third installment in Days of Wonder's best-selling Ticket to Ride series. The board for Märklin is based on a map of Germany and each individual card in the deck depicts a different Märklin Trains model. A DVD introducing players to the Märklin line of model trains is included [Edit: DVD no longer included in recent runs.] Märklin is a heavier version in the TTR series, allowing players to not only travel from city to city but also from cities to countries. A new mechanic is also introduced in the form of passengers and merchandise tokens. When the game is set-up a series of merchandise values worth victory points are placed on nominated cities. The values of these tokens diminish when multiple tokens are present within a single city, requiring players to move quickly to capture the higher valued tokens. These tokens can be collected by the players by placing their Passengers (3 per player), which can be achieved at the end of a turn in which a player lays trains to enter the city in question. Once a passenger is in play a player can forfeit their regular turn to move a passenger. Moving along a player's own train network comes at no cost and allows a player to take the top merchandise token from each city that is passed through. A passenger can also move along sections of track featuring other players trains but a passenger card must be paid each time this occurs to do so. The player who completes the most destination tickets receives a 10 point bonus (instead of the base game's longest route bonus).