玩家评分: 7.2

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle

桌游极客排名: 1458

本月排名变化: 9

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 120 分钟

难度: 3.39 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 6.36



出版年份: 1994


| Wizards of the Coast | Black Chantry Productions | White Wolf Productions


| Richard Garfield | Robert Goudie | L. Scott Johnson


| Rob Alexander | Doug Alexander | Edward Beard, Jr.


|卡牌游戏 |收藏 |战斗 |恐怖 |政治


|手牌管理 |投票

吸血鬼:永恒的斗争(简称VTES)是一个多玩家可收集的纸牌游戏,基于屡获殊荣的吸血鬼:化妆舞会角色扮演游戏,玩家扮演着名为Methuselahs的古老吸血鬼的角色。 Methuselah被许多人认为只是传说,从阴影中统治一切,从事一场包含政治,社会甚至身体的战争的长时间的马基雅维利冲突。根据你们的奴才&ndash采取的行动,斗争是赢得或失败的;年轻的吸血鬼谁不知不觉地做你的招标。以这种方式,游戏可以让您的奴才购买设备,聘请保持者,甚至建议对吸血鬼社会进行立法改变,为您的黑暗阴谋服务。理查德·加菲尔德(魔术聚会,Netrunner和其他游戏设计师)设计的第二张牌游戏。它旨在避免加菲猫在魔术中发现的一些缺陷:VTES不要求您将资源或法力值包括在您的甲板上,并且卡片在播放时立即被替换,这意味着卡片绘制与知道什么时候一样重要放弃一张牌来雕刻更好的手。它还具有更多的游戏体验,比传统的纸牌游戏– VTES通常由4或5名玩家玩,游戏可持续长达2小时。


&#10 VTES也是资源管理游戏。每个玩家以30分的影响力开始称为“游泳池”这个Methuselahs比自己的生活还要好。如果你用完了游戏,你将被淘汰出局。但是,这个游泳池也是您为吸引人的事业摆脱吸血鬼的方式。每一回,你有机会花你的游泳池诱惑吸血鬼。弱小的吸血鬼很容易摇摆不定,但年纪较大的吸血鬼需要令人信服,这可能需要多次完成。一旦吸血鬼被转换到你的身边,你所有的游泳池就会成为这个吸血鬼所拥有的血液,它可以用来玩牌,让他们激活他们独特的吸血鬼力量。每个奴才必须管理他们的血液,你必须管理你的池–花费更多的时间为您提供额外的奴才,但让您更接近被推翻。尽管最后一张官方牌是由White Wolf于2010年发行的,但VTES仍然是世界各地玩家所喜爱的。比赛仍然吸引了大批参加者,一些大陆锦标赛有100多人参加。该游戏目前由Vampire支持:Elder Kindred Network™负责制裁和规范VTES锦标赛的官方玩家组织,录制V:TES玩家’评级(和排名),以及设计和发布具有专业艺术品的新数字扩展。访问他们的网站www.vekn.net查看游戏的新功能!

Vampire: the Eternal Struggle (or VTES for short) is a multi-player collectable card game based on the award-winning Vampire: the Masquerade role playing game in which players take on the role of ancient vampires known as a Methuselahs. Considered mere legend by many, Methuselahs rule everything from the shadows, engaging in a eons-long Machiavellian conflict that encompasses political, social, and even physical warfare. The struggle is won or lost based on the actions taken by your minions – younger vampires who unknowingly do your bidding. In this way, the game can allow for deep and immersive storytelling as your minions purchase equipment, hire retainers, even suggest legislative changes to vampiric society, all in the service of your dark plots. VTES was the second card game designed by Richard Garfield (designer of Magic the Gathering, Netrunner, and other games). It was designed to avoid some of the flaws that Garfield found in Magic: VTES does not require you to include resource or mana cards in your deck, and cards are instantly replaced when played, meaning that card draw isn’t as important as knowing when to discard a card to sculpt a better hand. It also has a gameplay experience more in keeping with a boardgame than a traditional card game – VTES is usually played by 4 or 5 players and games can last up to 2 hours. Unlike most multi-player games, players in VTES do not engage in a free-for-all. Each player directs their attacks to the player on their left (their “prey”) and defends against the player on their right (their “predator”). You gain victory points by eliminating or “ousting” your prey from the game, in which case the next player to the left becomes your new prey. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins (even if they have been ousted!). This arrangement makes the game a very social one – you and the player two seats to the left and right have common enemies. But if you help these allies too much, you may find that you’ve made one of them too strong, and when they suddenly become your new predator, your help has transformed that ally into a deadly threat. VTES is also a resource management game. Each player begins with 30 points of influence called “pool” that Methuselahs hold dearer than unlife itself. If you run out of pool, you are ousted from the game. But this pool is also the way that you sway vampires to your cause. Each turn you have the opportunity to spend your pool to seduce a vampire. Weak fledgling vampire are easily swayed, but the older more powerful ones require convincing, which may require multiple turns to accomplish. Once a vampire is converted to your side, all the pool you spent on them becomes blood possessed by this vampire, which can be spent to play cards that allow them to activate their unique vampiric powers. Each minion must manage their blood and you must manage your pool – spending more provides you with additional minions, but brings you one step closer to being ousted. Under- or over- investing in your minions may well cost you the game. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle has risen once again from torpor! White Wolf has granted Black Chantry Productions license to print new cards! Details are still forthcoming as to what to expect. Go to http://www.blackchantry.com for the latest details. The game is also supported by Vampire: Elder Kindred Network™, the official player organization responsible for sanctioning and regulating VTES tournaments, recording V:TES players’ ratings (and rankings), as well as designing and releasing new digital expansions featuring profession artwork. Go to their site at www.vekn.net to check out what's new with the game!