玩家评分: 7.7

The Civil War 1861-1865

桌游极客排名: 1635

本月排名变化: 12

玩家评分: 7.7

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 120-1200 分钟

难度: 3.79 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.3


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 1983


| Victory Games (I)


| Eric Lee Smith


| Ted Koller | The West Point Museum


游戏中的关键概念是剧院,指挥点,脉冲和领导者。 #10;


需要指挥点来执行游戏的大部分功能,例如移动SP,将SP整合到Armies中,构建防御工事,添加海军防空队,解雇不想要的将军等等。玩家在每轮开始时通过掷骰子获得它们。除了分配给个人剧院的CP之外,他们还收到了“酌情” CP可以在任何剧院使用。联盟也获得了海军执法队员。附加CP可能会在转弯期间产生,如下所述。


虽然力量点是抽象的,游戏包括超过60个历史领导者,他们在大约在现实生活中突出的时候进入游戏。每个领导人有一等级(一到四星)和评级为倡议,战术作战和陆军指挥。许多人从下级开始,可以晋升。例如,谢尔曼有一个明星,当他出现,但可以升到四。就像林肯总统和戴维斯在现实生活中一样,玩家对促销活动没有绝对的控制,每个领导人也不会在更高的排名上表现更好。领导者的排名决定了他可以指挥的SP的数量 - 最多两名为一名明星,最多六名为高级队伍。为领导者(最好是有能力的人)分配尽可能多的SP是经济的,因为他可以通过将命令点等于他的倡议来移动他的全部力量。 (在这个游戏中,较低的主动性数字更好)。没有领导者,SP的每个CP都要花费一个CP,使它们都是静态的。更好的是军队,可以是25 SP的大小,必须由三四个星级的领导者指挥。 (每个军队都有自己的最大尺寸,根据其历史的对应)。


对于那些在全面战争中缺乏时间或耐心的人来说, 1862年,1863年和1864年的开始。“内战不是在这个可怕的冲突中曾经产生过的最大的游戏,但它确实是其范围和细节程度最雄心勃勃的之一。 #10;

This sprawling rendition of the American Civil War tries to fit in everything, from Grant and Lee down to Indian raids in the Western territories. It also includes the most extensive treatment of naval and riverine warfare of any strategic Civil War game. The map covers the theater of the war from the Eastern seaboard to the middle of Texas at 25 miles per hex. An optional second map extends to New Mexico. There are five turns per year, four of two months each and a four-month Winter turn. Each turn consists of an indefinite number of "pulses" and may last a long, long time. Troops are represented by generic Strength Points (about 5,000 men per SP, or one or two ironclads with escorting naval vessels). The key concepts in the game are Theaters, Command Points, Pulses and Leaders. There are three Theaters: East, West and Trans-Mississippi. Players must prioritize them each turn as primary, secondary and tertiary. These designations are made a turn in advance, requiring a modest degree of foresight. Higher priority Theaters receive larger allocations of Command Points and thus will see more activity. Command Points are needed to perform most of the game's functions, such as moving SP's, consolidating SP's into Armies, constructing fortifications, adding naval SP's, sacking unwanted generals, etc. Players obtain them by dice rolls at the start of each turn. In addition to CP's assigned to individual theaters, they receive an allotment of "discretionary" CP's that can be used in any Theater. The Union also gets Naval CP's. Additional CP's may be generated during a turn, as noted below. Each turn is divided into an indefinite number of Pulses. To begin a Pulse, each player rolls two dice. The difference between the results is the number of actions each must take in that Pulse (high roller first). Actions may be used to expend Command Points, to muster SP reinforcements or to bring inew or newly promoted Leaders into play. If the dice rolls are equal, either the turn ends immediately or each player receives additional Command Points. The likelihood of an immediate end rises with the number of tied rolls and is a certainty on the fourth tie. If the turn doesn't end in this fashion, it continues until all Command Points have been used and available reinforcements and Leaders entered. While Strength Points are abstract, the game includes more than 60 historical Leaders, who enter play at about the time that they rose to prominence in real life. Each Leader has a rank (one to four stars) and ratings for Initiative, Tactical Combat and Army Command. Many begin at lower ranks and can be promoted. Sherman, for instance, has a single star when he appears but can rise to four. Like Presidents Lincoln and Davis in real life, players don't have absolute control over promotions, nor does every Leader perform better at a higher rank. A Leader's rank determines the number of SP's he can command - up to two for a one star, up to six for higher ranks. Assigning as many SP's as permitted to a Leader (preferably a capable one) is economical, since he can move his entire force by expending Command Points equal to his Initiative. (Lower Initiative numbers are better in this game.) Without Leaders, SP's cost one CP each to move, rendering them all but static. Better yet are Armies, which can be as large as 25 SP's and must be commanded by a three or four star Leader. (Each Army has its own maximum size, based on its historical counterpart.) The game has much more: an elaborate combat resolution procedure, somewhat less elaborate supply rules, a naval system that is a game in itself, cavalry, railroads, militia, neutral states and a chrome-laden option to add the Far West map and Theater. Players gain Victory Points primarily by capturing major enemy and neutral cities and winning neutral states to their side. The South also gets VP's for successful commerce raiding and for isolating or capturing Washington, D.C. It wins at once if it captures Washington at a moment when it has more VP's than the North. Otherwise, VP's are checked in November 1864 and April 1865, when the game comes to a definitive end. For those who lack time or patience for the full war, scenarios are provided with the historical setups as of the start of 1862, 1863 and 1864. The Civil War isn't the biggest game ever produced on that dreadful conflict, but it is certainly among the most ambitious in its scope and degree of detail. Includes 520 counters.