玩家评分: 7.4

Lords of Vegas

桌游极客排名: 523

本月排名变化: 7

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 60-90 分钟

难度: 2.34 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 12

专业评分: 6.94



出版年份: 2010


| Mayfair Games | Z-Man Games | Zvezda


| James Ernest | Mike Selinker


| Steve Fastner | Rich Larson | Franz Vohwinkel


|城市建设 |骰子 |经济 |谈判

您和您的对手代表着蓬勃发展的内华达州的强大开发商。您将通过在“The Strip”上建造最大和最有利可图的赌场赚钱和享有声誉。这个镇的尘土和罪恶的骨干。除了停车场和梦想之外,你首先开始,但是从那里你就可以建立,扩张,重组和赌博,以获得胜利。得分最多的投资点在最有利可图的发展公司,并把最好的老板控制最富有的赌场。把你的美元放在线上。 。现在是时候滚动!










You and your opponents represent powerful developers in a burgeoning Nevada city. You will earn money and prestige by building the biggest and most profitable casinos on "The Strip," the town's backbone of dust and sin. You start with nothing but parking lots and dreams, but from there you build, sprawl, reorganize and gamble your way to victory. Score the most points investing in the most profitable development companies and putting the best bosses in control of the richest casinos. Put your dollars on the line . . . it's time to roll! The game board is broken into 6 different areas, each consisting of a number of empty 'lots'. Players build lots by paying money and placing a die of the value matching the one shown on the lot's space onto the lot, along with a casino tile of one of 7 colors. Adjoining lots of the same color are considered a single casino. The casino's boss is the player whose die value is higher than any other in the casino. On each players turn, players turn over a new card representing a new lot they get. The card also is one of the casino colors. Any built casinos of the matching color will score both money and points. Money is earned for each lot in the casino, where each lot may be owned by a different player. Points go only to the casino's owner. Players can expand their casinos; try to take over casinos owned by other players; make deals to trade lots, casinos and money; or gamble in opponents' casinos to make more money. Ultimately, though, only points matter, and that means making yourself boss of the biggest casinos. Lords of Vegas contains: Snazzy game board 4 turn summaries 55 cards 40 chips in 4 colors 48 dice in 4 colors 4 poker chips Lots of money 45 casino blocks Rules