玩家评分: 7.4

Risk: Europe

桌游极客排名: 1972

本月排名变化: 16

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 45-180 分钟

难度: 2.69 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 14+

专业评分: 6.19



出版年份: 2015


| Hasbro | Winning Moves Games (USA)


| Austin Rucker


| 暂缺


|骰子 |中世纪 |区域建设 |战争

来自发行商的描述:控制冠军,控制欧洲的“风险欧洲”游戏 - 一场令人兴奋的中世纪征服游戏。游戏挑战玩家,通过建筑城堡,征税科目,扩张领域和参与战斗,来踏入中世纪国王和封建欧洲的角色。这个深入的战略和征服游戏为严谨的游戏玩家提供了极好的游戏体验。它具有4个独立的军队和7个独特的起始王国,每个具有自己的优势和能力,加上在战略中发挥重要作用的国王订单卡。




& #10;某些订单卡上还有额外的奖金。


外交,联盟和背刺是不可避免的。 10;

Description from the publisher: Control the crowns, control Europe in the Risk Europe game--an exciting game of medieval conquest. The game challenges players to step into the role of a medieval king and rule feudal Europe by building castles, taxing subjects, expanding territories, and engaging in battle. This in-depth game of strategy and conquest offers serious gamers a premium gameplay experience. It features 4 separate armies and 7 unique starting kingdoms, each with its own strengths and abilities, plus Kings Orders cards that play an important role in strategy. User summary: The goal of the game is to be the first player to control 7 crowns. Each city under a player's control provides a crown and a mission card deck gives an opportunity to earn more crowns. While there's some similarities to other versions of Risk, the turns are quite different. Each player has a deck of orders they can take on their turn. They secretly place two orders face down, and the first place starts by revealing an order. One order card type is to either tax a player's connected territories to gain income or to spend that income on siege weapons, archers, cavalry, infantry units, castles or crown cards. The other order card type is to expand a player's units into another territory or move units from one territory they own into another. There are also additional bonuses on some of the order cards. Battles for contested territories are fought with dice. Non-infantry units are rolled for first by type and deal immediate damage after which all units roll with 3 dice for the attacker and 2 for the defender. Diplomacy, alliances, and backstabbing are inevitable.