Gothic Horror is a game of combat against the Children of the Darkness, Vampires and Werewolves, and is set in a world beset by these terrors. The game uses groups of individual figures, with an open scale for time and movement, and can be used for small or large battles. The game is designed for quick play and the system is flexible and adaptable to suit the level of enjoyment for the gamer(s). A player can choose to be one of the Defenders of Mankind, standing against the Children of the Darkness, or they can choose to lead the Children of the Darkness against Mankind in a battle for domination of their enemies and the survival of their own kind. You may choose to be the leader of a party of Vampire Hunters, Wolfen-Jaeger (hunters of the Werewolf), or holy warriors of Blessed Mother Church. These defenders of mankind seek their enemies in battle to cleanse the world of great evil and protect the defenseless and the innocent. You may choose to oppose Mankind as a Master leading his dreaded Nosferatu (a race of natural vampires) or Vampire Lord (the classic vampire), leading his servants and slaves against mankind’s defenders, or a Loup Garou, leading his pack of Werewolves and wolves, serving the cycles of the moon and his bestial calling. Even the Mad Doctor, Frankenstein and his evil assistant Ygor are here, with his horrible creations, bringing terror to the night. You can attempt to raise the Mob, the local townspeople and farmers against the terror. Or seek out the Gypsies, who possess ancient secrets and special potions and talismans to aid you in your battles against the Children of the Darkness. There are several different parties of Vampire Hunters, Werewolf Hunters, and servants of the Church to choose from, as well as Nosferatu, Vampires, and Werewolves, the Mad Doktor, and even the Gypsies available to the player. The time is the early 1900’s; the place is the Balkans, or one of the many other dark places in Europe, the British Isles, or even the U.S.A. So choose, defend mankind or attempt to conquer it. The only objective is survival of your race, whether human, Vampire, or Werewolf.