玩家评分: 7.3

Coldwater Crown

桌游极客排名: 2206

本月排名变化: 10

玩家评分: 7.3

玩家人数: 1 - 4 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 40-90 分钟

难度: 2.22 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 6.09



出版年份: 2017


| Bellwether Games


| Brian Suhre


| Ryan Coleman | Beth Sobel




|元素收集 |工人放置

游戏中的描述:“这个”胜利“你品尝咸味吗您已经将其作为世界知名的Coldwater Crown钓鱼锦标赛的竞争对手,并且比赛刚刚开始!你能够在正确的时间投掷正确的饵料来卷入最大的鱼吗?您能否在战略上平衡您在不同钓鱼地点的工作,以赢得最多的奖杯?这些寒冷的水域确实很少,但是它保证鱼会咬人!“#10;

Coldwater Crown是一款有趣而巧妙的棋盘游戏,捕捉到桌面体验中的钓鱼快感。由着名的游戏设计师Brian Suhre创作,这是一场战略规划,钓鱼者直觉的游戏,只有适量的运气!测试您的钓鱼专长,反对最多三位朋友,或在练习池中磨练您的技能。你不必是一个主要的钓鱼者来赢,但是一旦你的奖杯开始堆积起来,你可能只会感觉像一个!

Is that “victory” you taste in the salty air? You’ve secured your spot as a competitor in the world-renowned Coldwater Crown fishing tournament, and the contest has just begun! Will you be able to cast the right bait at the right time to reel-in the biggest fish? Will you be able to strategically balance your efforts at the different fishing locations to win the most trophies? Very little is certain on these frigid waters, but it’s guaranteed the fish will be biting! Coldwater Crown is a fun and clever board game that captures the thrill of fishing in a tabletop experience. Created by acclaimed game designer Brian Suhre, it’s a game of strategic planning, angler’s intuition, and just the right amount of luck! Test your fishing expertise against up to three of your friends or hone your skills at the practice pond. You don’t have to be a master angler to win, but once your trophy count begins to stack up, you might just feel like one! -- description from the game box.