In July of 1985, KLM Cargo wrote a letter to prospective contestants for a promotional effort to identify their most valuable employee. This letter launched the first installment of the KLM Cargo Game. It was KLM's stated intent to provide a total of four installments of the game. Each installment would add pieces and a new line-up card. At the end of the promotion, the players would use the four "line-ups of suspects" to identify their favorite employee. Regrettably, the one copy that I have seen contains only the materials from the first installment of the game. that installment contained the following components: Game box and insert Game board Cover letter KLM Cargo 'How to "Collar" a Suspect' guide (with the first 5 "suspects") A sealed stack of play money A sealed bag with 6 pawns and 1 die A sealed stack of Chance cards A sealed stack of Departure/Clearance cards At the end of the promotion, the players were supposed to use the four "line-ups of suspects" (one per installment) to identify their favorite employee.