

本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 2 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 6+




出版年份: 2001


| (Web published) | Invisible City Productions


| Jonathan Leistiko


| 暂缺


|抽象 |即印即玩




A game of luck and strategy for 2 players. In early October the Snoodles and Kleetches all frolic and muddle on kriddle-pop beaches. Object: To get your pieces across the board and on to the other side before your opponent does. You Need: A backgammon set. Blockade is played on one-half of a Backgammon board, as divided by the Bar. The other half of the board is not used and can be folded under or used as a rolling surface for your dice. Each player starts the game with 16 pieces in six rows. Each row starts with three pieces in it, except the outside rows, which start with two. Each player's turn consists of the following steps: 1. Choose a row. 2. Roll a die. 3. Move pieces. The object is to 'leap' your pieces from your side of the board to the other player's side of the board and then to safety. The trick is that each die roll can only be used to move pieces on one row. Play continues until all pieces controlled by a player have been removed from the board. The game ends immediately unless that player went first, in which case the other player gets one more turn to play. If the game ends with no pieces on the board, then the game is a draw. If one player has any pieces left on the board, then the other player wins.